• 2 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: March 23rd, 2022


  • I feel like we are so far ahead in the politics relay race that we would have to go backwards to have them catch up. That’s why, and I add subjectively, I see liberal outreach as futile. The liberal class is able to produce a thousand eichmanns, goebbels, speers, and brauns, for every one of them that is radicalized. That may change, but only with material conditions going to shit, so i don’t know because that also make them fascist. Also, what other efforts can be made in the imperial core is something I am unable to grasp so perhaps you are correct. Excuse the free form rant.

  • Libs are super mad but I have seen 2 bit western journalists disrespect Asian and African leaders this way a bunch of times and libs celebrate it as clapping back.

    I personally think it’s great that everyone gets to see under the covers about what the empire thinks of you. Let’s be clear, the dems lost on purpose so the right could do this and get applause from its audience. And then in 4 years we may flip over and the theater will play a different movie for the lib fans. But it’s just theater at the end of the day.

  • Yeah. I have scorn for Arab leaders and sectarians, but not Arabs in general just like the liberal class of Iran that thinks the imperialists can be worked with. Just scorn for compradors/ sellouts in general. I just didn’t understand how aggressive the sectarianism until recently. But I do think it has to do with material conditions. Going against Iran and shia people and normalizing with the zios does provide material benefit and makes life relatively comfortable. I respect anti-imperialists and the downtrodden, I don’t care the religion, sect, nationality, etc.

    I do however find it crazy that people from like Pakistan will say Iran sold out Palestinians when outside of Israel, dictator zia ul haq is probably responsible for the high score of Palestinians killed (I do have to research here to do).

    Just like turkey sells the zios, azeri oil or the gulf states do massive business with the zios.

    I think the lesson here is look at ground realities and apply your principles to that. Not think you are perfect just because you are Shia or Sunni or Christian or whatever.

    Edit: to add al jazeera is hugely responsible here too. They are a Qatari comprador outlet.

  • There is a special type of hatred in my heart for Jolani and his supporters. They saw 15 months of a genocide in Palestine and Lebanon and their main concern was denigrating one of the few groups resisting it (hezb) so they could do comprador shit. Just complete and utterly scumbags who’s highest aspiration in life is the admiration and acceptance of krakkkers (coincidentally also led to the destruction of Ukraine, what did they get except some assholes with Shiba inu pfps and some flag stickers on some middle class western dipshits least favorite grocery getter, yeah really worth destroying your country)

    I am sure all this is monitored so let’s just say the sooner Jolani and his leadership slip on a banana peel and fall into a sewer full of knives the better for the region.

  • Man, that reddit post almost gave me an aneurysm. Some people’s gripe isn’t that there is a boot on their neck, it’s the race, religion, sect, etc of the foot inside that boot.

    That’s more clear in the instance of Syria’s compradors. They are fine with a zio, gulf state/ turkish sponsored sunni, or western boot on their neck. The western connected comprador class will send their kids to ivy leagues to train them in their own people’s exploitation and/ or to write puff pieces to alleviate the little guilt liberals have about imperialism as they subject their fellow syrians to resource extraction and high interest IMF loans not to mention land grabs.

  • Jolani deserves to be old yellered by his masters so I won’t cry any tears for him or any sectarian who’s main gripe was that Assad wasn’t sunni (I don’t care for him much either, but that’s not my gripe with him. He tried to normalize with the comprador gulf states and they stuck a knife in his back so he wasn’t smart. Also if he was gonna give up power so easily, he could have done a much better job earlier). However, I hope the Syrians unite to fight the occupation, but a lot of people fall for the temporary charms of the imperialists.