they said optimize CPU usage, not reduce CPU usage. clearly they actually want to increase CPU utilization in this mysterious “0.02%” situation in order to get the results faster
Maybe not in single player, but if you try putting more than a few dozen players on one vanilla server, the performance is going down the drain
Unlike buffalo, there is no law saying you can’t have an infinite hierarchy of higher-order FactoryFactories producing lower-order FactoryFactories
It’s even more direct than that, the statement itself is absolute so logically it’s equivalent to saying “I am a sith”
to be fair, I may have gotten a bit lucky with the exact search, any other section of the lyrics would most likely not find it
The first one is “Go Green” by Mitch Benn
found it in 2 minutes just by googling the lyrics in your comment, specifically this search:
"go green when they go green"
We’ll go green when you go green
You’ll go green when he goes green
We’ll get as far as aquamarine or so
But we’re still gonna call it green
but I couldn’t find the second one
disagreeing with a bunch of delusional tankies is not the same thing as trolling, and I think somewhere deep down you know that.
That you’ve successfully driven away 99% of people who disagree with you does not make you any more correct.
Your unwillingness to understand does not a non sequitur make.
I long wondered how he manages to identify as a libertarian despite what he spends all his time talking about, now it’s starting to make more sense lol
what is relevant is the difference exists, and is a trend that can easily be extrapolated into “blossoming democracy”, especially in the minds of the russian people.
real democracy is when all power is concentrated in one person who rules for 20+ years at a time and criticizing him is highly correlated with falling out of a window. There is absolutely no possible nuance.
Hey, that’s unfair! As long as you don’t make silly beginner mistakes like using the standard library’s string implementation, the standard library’s regex implementation, the standard library’s hash table implementation, or standard io, C++ is almost always faster than python!
the scott alexander fanclub on reddit is especially unhinged lately. Some choice picks, beginning gently with a sneer:
Anyone who says there is a 0% chance of a fried egg being sentient is overconfident. Nobody knows what causes consciousness. We have no way of detecting it & we can barely agree on a definition. So we should be less than 100% certain about anything to do with consciousness and fried eggs.
moving on,
For me, I currently believe that the way forward is gathering my Dunbar community of ~150 values-aligned people and dropping out together to live in intentional community, generally off-the-grid, interacting with technology only as a tool (no news/algorithms/push notifications), close enough to a major city to visit friends but far enough away to isolate ourselves when we want to.
We then push forward into an unknown world, supporting each other, doing enough trade and consulting with the outside world to ensure a positive trade surplus for the collective and distributing the profits among us to sustain the community.
Yes, that is a response to AI despair. In a “non-doomer thread”. Because of course.
but what takes the cake is the regularly scheduled IQ thread, a beautiful dumpster fire which burns especially bright on this day. Yet one specimen soars above the din:
The average should recognize and accept their inferiority and make peace with the fact that they will live and die a mediocre life. They should stop trying to interfere in the affairs of their betters and content themselves with their own garden, which can provide enough happiness for them until the end of their life if properly cultivated.
Further study of the user’s excreta clarifies that they are:
warning: HEAVY PSYCHIC DAMAGE and I really hope the spoiler block functions correctly on your end
[sic] we should treat all low human capital like zoo animals regardless of skin colour [\sic]
Spotify also originally got all its music by pirating it. But later it started printing money for record labels (while fucking over musicians) so all was forgiven.
Leases would show as zero on the balance sheet if the government owned their own buildings. But of course someone decided that was “against the free market” so now the government cannot own anything in the name of “efficiency”
sweden also refrigerates their eggs.
I don’t see affirmative action as fundamentally bad. Applied correctly and not too heavy-handedly, the privileged will still have equal opportunity to enroll or get the job, per amount of effort they put in, etc. And even if it is a bit too strong, their privilege will most likely make up for it in other ways.
In practice though, it’s highly susceptible to backfire effects and is usually on the wrong side of “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”. You can’t expect someone who grew up malnourished, undereducated and generally mistreated by society to suddenly bounce back and become a “model citizen” when they get a good job or scholarship, statistically speaking.
I was going to say this sounds a lot like the conservative strawman that postmodernism means the total rejection of objective reality.
Then I read the post-meritocracy manifesto and wow some of those “our values” bullet points are facepalm worthy.
to be honest it takes a bit of time just to find any mention of russia related topics at all (and then the first one is just a news article with zero comments)
get a motorized height adjustable standing desk, an egg timer and a slow treadmill, set the timer to 16 minutes and 43 seconds, every time the timer runs out, rotate between standing position, sitting position and walking position while resetting the timer.
When you’re ready to level up, upgrade from just an office chair for the sitting positon to a mixture of office chair, saddle chair, prayer mat and stout 19th century four-legged wooden stool certified handmade in the russian far east. Rotation as follows:
standing -> office chair -> treadmill -> saddle chair -> standing -> prayer mat -> treadmill -> flat stool -> repeat.
When you’re ready for the endgame, upgrade from an egg timer to a stochastic bell timer powered by a brass cyclograph. This eliminates any possible linear relationship with your BRAC cycle, ensuring a well-rounded dynamic stress regimen.