Also & 💛

  • 1 Post
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023

  • I remember being a child, camping with my grandparents, and my late grandfather regaling us with how he just got off the radio with a guy in Australia! I asked him how he was able to talk to someone so far away, and he said the weather was just right for the signal to carry.

    He was so proud of his amateur ham radio license that he got a vanity plate for his truck with his call sign.

    Out of curiosity I just looked up his call sign, and, while his license is now expired, it has not been recycled yet.

  • My 2cents: Pedialyte (premade) still has that sweet taste whereas Liquid IV does not. The powdered Pedialyte contained (I haven’t bought it in a few years so I’m unsure if the formula has changed) artificial sweeteners that upset our guts - which was no good when I was giving it to kids with diarrhea because it just exasperated the issue.

    It may be placebo effect but I feel like it does a really good job.

    *I am also biased because they make one with caffeine and it’s helping me cut back on soda.

  • “good morning” [+emoji] is the one I see daily. There’s a few alternatives I see, but I usually end up sending the one with the coffee cup in response.

    I also like seeing the options for the different emoji combination stickers (like the cyclops sobbing in your screenshot) that Gboard comes up with. :) I’ve found to trigger that, I either pick 2 different emojis or type the same one 2-3x to get suggestions.

    Been having fun with both of these features on my Samsung phone for a while. Enjoy! Have fun!

  • If you’re interested in loading up emulators and other games via desktop mode I highly recommend going over to XDA and checking out their articles for the deck. For example: they have a whole article about getting Minecraft java edition up and running on the deck (which is something one of my kids wants us to do).