A lot of big words to fog a simple problem. Here’s a breakdown.
Most are low information voters. Because humans are selfish and lazy.
Governing is complicated. People are busy with their own sh*t. That turns people off (lazy).
America makes it simple, binary two-party choice. No need to be informed when you just pick one of two teams, and you grew up in one already as a kid. (Lazy)
Busy on voting day? Nah, not voting (80 million Americans, lazy, selfish)
If they vote, they pick the choice that offers the things they like the most (selfish). Don’t matter if it’s lies or will make other things worse. No time to consider, we’re busy. (Lazy)
Why are we low information voters? Can look up anything from reputable sources on the internet in seconds? Nah, how about cat videos. Porn. Dancing with the Stars is on (Selfish, lazy)
Trump bullies and Harris nags. Rather watch someone else get bullied than be nagged (Lazy, selfish)
Harris is black and woman, and has a career in public service. Trump is rich white man that barely works who acts like he’s successful with beautiful women. Which do people wish to be like? (Selfish, lazy) [See: Freakanomics - selling crack vs working at McDonalds.]
Americans are lazy and selfish, resulting in low information voters. Low information voters vote against their interests and cause their own country’s eventual downfall.
It isn’t the Democrats fault due to messaging. It isn’t Republicans fault due to propoganda.
It is always singularly only one group responsible for all problems in America, and always has been. “We the People”.
Americans continue to get the country they pick.
Till Americans overcome their base human instincts en masse to overcome their own laziness and selfishness, which will be never, things will keep being taken advantage by the American oligarchy and others.
After the USSR fell the Russian people mistakenly sold their country’s assets for free chicken dinners and Levi’s jeans [see Red Notice by Bill Browder] due to being horribly low information citizens (“What are stocks?” Oligarchy formed and answered.)
Americans could very likely soon do the same. Seems the goal. Half of Americans seem likely to do it gleefully, if it lowers egg prices.
Four if you count the WWE lady covering up abuse.
Seems a requirement.