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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: March 23rd, 2024


  • For good sleep hygiene, you’re supposed to avoid doing literally anything but sleeping in your bed (including sex and just lying there awake). It builds a strong association between bed and sleep in your brain so that you get to sleep easier or something. I’ve always found this one impossible but it’s probably a good tip if you have the capacity for it.

  • Me and my extended family have begun a tradition of giving each other silly joke gifts instead of serious ones.

    • My father in law doesn’t drink alcohol so I got him “alcohol-free” beer. It was just an empty beer bottle. Technically alcohol-free!
    • a couple of days before Christmas, my husband came back from doing the grocery shopping. I stole most of the non-perishable items when he wasn’t looking, wrapped them, and put them under the tree. He thought I was a mind reader and gotten him exactly what he was planning to buy for himself until he saw them all together and realized it was his own shopping.
    • I went to a dollar store and just picked out anything with badly translated English and distributed them as appropriate to pad out numbers. One of them was a tiny plastic chopping board that claimed to be “high tech” and for “professionals”. Another was a roll of duct tape. There was also a pack of serviettes that had “serves you right!” in bright colors on the front. Anything that was silly and cheap but would still would see some use.
    • I have a vegan sibling-in-law. A couple of years ago, we were joking about how plant-based chocolate treats for dogs were cheaper than the ones for humans. I think they’ve safely forgotten about that conversation now so this year I’m going to give them a little treat.
    • I think at one point I just wrapped a big box of packing peanuts with absolutely nothing else inside. I vaguely recall adding some rocks for extra weight in a gift somewhere, might have been that one.

    Some of these would not have been funny at all if my family hadn’t already been expecting shenanigans instead of real gifts, so keep your audience in mind!

    The reason we started doing this was because our family stopped getting each other gifts many years ago and everyone enjoyed the lack of stress and being able to focus on quality time. And then my husband and I had a kid, and of course everyone wanted to buy her gifts. But we didn’t want her to be the only one with gifts under the tree and develop some kind of weird complex about it, so these playful low-stakes gifts to each other were our solution.

  • What are your reading habits like?

    I read like some people doomscroll - in bed when I’m supposed to be sleeping, when I’m eating my meals, on public transportation, while walking, on the toilet, waiting in line… Basically any time I’m not using my brain for anything else. If the book is interesting I’ll find more excuses to pull out my Kindle, but at the very minimum I’ll read in bed at the end of the day. It’s not a goal or anything that I’ve pushed onto myself, it’s just become habit to read myself to sleep, and I’ve been doing it for as long as I can remember. It was a real pain before I got a backlit Kindle - I’d fall asleep and leave the lamp on all night and lose my place if I was reading a physical book. I don’t like to have more than 1 book going at once. 1 fiction and 1 non fiction is okay, but nothing more than that. If the book is a series, I’ll pick up book 1 and continue all the way through the series back to back, and then go back to read spinoffs and prequels in whatever order makes the most sense. I also read all the books I can find from the same author in a similar fashion. If the series wasn’t finished and a new book gets released after I’ve already read the rest of a series, I’ll go back and read all of the books before it first. Being in-between books is a feeling I am very uncomfortable with, so I’m always in the middle of something. I will often keep reading books that I don’t enjoy that much just as a stop-gap until I find the next series to get hooked on. It’s a little psychotic now that I think about it.

    What do you like to read?

    Mostly sci-fi and fantasy novels, but I’ll consume almost anything with interesting world building, mechanics/magic systems, or compelling characters. For non-fiction, I like things that teaches me how things work, usually astronomy or quantum mechanics. I’ve read some great books written from the perspective of physicists as they went through their journey of discovery.

    What kind of stage of life are you in, and how does that affect it?

    I’m 33, married, have a 4 year old, and work full time. I don’t think it’s affected my reading very much, I’ve been stealing reading time ever since I was a kid. Reading on the bus to school, reading walking around, reading during meals (drove my mother nuts), reading if I finished my work in class… I’ve always had my nose in a book. I have less time overall for reading now, but the way I do it is still the same.

    Have you made any changes, positive or negative, to your reading habits?

    I honestly cannot think of any changes I’ve made, but maybe I should consider some. Writing this post makes me realize I’m treating books like a drug addiction.

    What else?

    1. Don’t be like me and read in bed if you can avoid it, it’s not great for sleep hygiene. It’s too late for me, save yourself.
    2. Don’t read if you don’t genuinely want to. Don’t push yourself to read a certain number of pages a day, or a certain number of books in a year. Don’t read just “to read”, it’s not sustainable. I think you should just aim to try a book that sounds interesting to you every now and then, and if it doesn’t compell you to read further then just put it down and walk away. You don’t NEED to finish a book, let yourself be happy. As an avid reader, nothing frustrates me more than people treating reading like a chore or some desired goal. It’s just words on a page, don’t put it on a pedestal.
    3. I’d be interested to hear how you experience reading. Do you “see” the book like a movie? Is it better than a movie, in that you can smell/feel/taste things? Or do you experience it like someone is reading out loud to you? I was speaking with a friend once, and she asked how people like me could read for hours in end. She asked “don’t you get sick of the sound of your own voice?” and that was such an eye-opening question for me. She heard the words being spoken whenever she read, she didn’t really visualize anything at all. I had no idea it could be like that. For me, I don’t hear the words. I don’t see the words on the page. It’s like I’m in the matrix and the experience gets fed directly into my brain and I can see and feel and hear everything and there’s even this 6th sense sometimes that I can’t describe. When I have to suddenly stop reading a good book, it feels like pulling my head out of a giant bowl of very firm jello. I think this is the main difference between readers and non-readers. It’s not that one is more “enlightened” or have “good habits” or is an “intellectual”. It’s just more enjoyable for some (and more work/effort for others) on a very fundamental level. Not reading is not a shortcoming.

    Sorry for the massive reply!

    (edit: formatting)

  • I think most viewers can be grouped into 3 main categories (please note these are just very broad generalizations)

    Category 1 viewers watch streams because they like the game that is being played, and basically treat it like watching sports. They want to watch skilled people doing skillful and impressive things. Maybe they play the game themselves, but not always. They tend to focus on categories rather than channels, and are quick to unfollow if a streamer starts playing something else, even if it’s a similar genre.

    Category 2 viewers watch streams because of the personality of the streamer and the vibes of the stream, and tend to have parasocial relationship. I won’t say much about this category because I honestly don’t understand the whole parasocial thing at all, I just know it’s a Thing.

    Category 3 viewers watch streams because of the streamer’s community. They’re focused on not just the personality of the streamer, but also the kind of environment they foster and how they interact with the viewers. I’m in this group, I’m on twitch to meet people and make some genuine connections. I’ve made some great friends in streams, not just with the actual streamer, but the other chatters as well - we hang out off-stream and play games, watch movies, just chat, etc. This group tends to contain a lot of smaller streamers supporting each other (in a bit of a circle-jerk, I admit)

    From what I’ve seen, categories 1 and 2 gravitate towards larger, well-established channels, while category 3 prefer smaller streamers and will be supportive but disappointed if someone they watch becomes “big”.

    All of this is just my own observations hanging out on twitch and talking with other viewers and streamers, please take with a grain of salt. Also I have no idea how much of this applies to other streaming platforms like YouTube or Kick.