Just an another HTTP header, flagging if user is an adult. Set it to False if OS reports that the account used has parental controls enabled.
This is just meant to keep children out, not protect state secrets.
Just an another HTTP header, flagging if user is an adult. Set it to False if OS reports that the account used has parental controls enabled.
This is just meant to keep children out, not protect state secrets.
I wouldn’t call it a hobby, just some entertainment to pass the time/hang out with friends.
It was Counter-Strike 1.6. I didn’t leave the house the summer I discovered it as a kid.
“It’s capitalism” is an unsatisfying explanation because one the one hand it’s sort of trivially true, but on the other, good movies have been made under capitalism.
But you went to watch a blockbuster. These are made to make money above all else. You just aren’t the target demographic.
Additionally, I can’t really understand why are dynamically linked libraries so popular and how on earth anyone who ever had a “.dll / .so not found” error thinks this is a good idea.
Again, who tf uses messenger?
The entire nation of Poland
This new “Flashpoint” gamemode in Overwatch is pretty fun not gonna lie.
They don’t matter to the question, but what are they
The site formerly known as Twitter has full PWA support. At least it had the last time I checked.
It should work exactly the same as a normal app.
You know, I always thought Android Firefox always had full addon support. I’ve got uBlock Origin now, and I remember having Stylus/TamperMonkey.
I’m more a Daewoo Matiz type of guy
Grindr has developers?
The whole app feels like it just spontaneously came to existence.
Also, at least in the X360 times some games wouldn’t have dedicated servers, instead hosting matches on the console of one of the players.
And you would be paying. To host the server on your own machine.
He could’ve easily got it solved but he didn’t have money and the public defender just told him confessing was the best option.
It might be a legend, it’s just a thing that supposedly happened to someone in a community I participate in.
At least he wasn’t like the aristocracy in the past, when they had everything since they where born.
Musk’s parents totally don’t own an emerald mine in Africa.
I heard of a guy who went to prison because he bought something from Allegro (Polish Amazon) over TOR. Someone used the same exit node for hacking, so they pinned it on him.
There’s Firefox on iOS, but it’s practically a wrapper around Safari. You get your bookmark synchronization, but everything under the hood runs on WebKit.
PS4 also sold 40M units by it’s third year.
It at least performs better in browser than as a desktop app, for me at least.
Thankfully, my answer isn’t nobody.
I was completely alone until high school. I’ve got Asperger’s so that didn’t help things, but therapy and finally meeting sane people in high school got me to make friends. I’m ending college now and I’m still in touch with them. Got at least three people ready to listen to my rambling.
Now my biggest worry is losing them. I doubt I could rebuild that relationship with anyone else. We’ve been through everything.
Considering the demographic here, I didn’t expect it would take so long before I’d see one.