Seing how Proto-Judaism evolved (I mean, JHWH had a wife called Ashera?!) and how the Bible’s content was chosen should make way more people think.
Seing how Proto-Judaism evolved (I mean, JHWH had a wife called Ashera?!) and how the Bible’s content was chosen should make way more people think.
Ah, another long video I have to watch on a topic that might never apply to me. Man, I love Alec’s videos!
I jumped and got me Arma Reforger for PC. I found a small and nice little community of like minded people to play with and am having a ton of fun. So glad I gave that game a second chance.
Because the Emperor protects and Healthcare rejects.
WAP stand für “Wait and Pay”.
Nobody’s business that I’ve got nothing to hide.
Quick addition: ‘Pups’ means ‘fart’ in German. A word used by and around children. Or if you have enjoyed an education.
Neben der Bedeutungs- haben sie nun also auch die Schamlosigkeit erreicht.
And this isn’t even Black Phillip’s final form.
Ah, a fellow Alec connoisseur!
Wow! Did she take that picture?
Love it! It reminds me of a character in Tool’s ‘Sober’ video. Tool-Sober-video-screencap
Just came here to drop the info: Her reacting to the news of her daughter dying of old age while she was in the Stasis Pod was a deleted scene in the Aliens Director’s Cut.
Ich werde gewiss nicht dabei helfen, an Kassierern und Kassiererinnen zu sparen. Solidarität, Leute…
‘Midnight Mass’ somehow completely went under my radar first, but DAMN, that was a great mini series!
Assassin’s Greed
A good one.