• 5 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023

  • It used to be good but IMHO nowadays half the show is two people talking about whatever they’ve done last week (fixed the wifi here, new hard drives there, … who cares?) with seemingly zero actual research/preparation for the show, and the other half is paid (in crypto) messages from the audience.

    It’s the only Jupiter Broadcasting show I’m still subscribed to, but lately I’ve been either skipping episodes entirely or listening with the chapter list and skipping to whatever I found non boring (like, 3 minutes I would actually listed to per show?). It’s not long until I drop the show entirely.

    As most (all?) Jupiter Broadcasting shows, It’s IMHO more entertainment that information. Nothing bad with that if that’s what one likes.

  • Mike bought out Coder Radio this year and now it’s independent from JB.

    Thanks - didn’t know that.

    I’ll give it another try (hopefully without Chris it’s not two guys talking about the latest apple fad anymore?).

    That show stood out as the only one without crypto bullshit (I assume, because the hosts disagreed on the matter)

  • I don’t know whether to downvote or upvote this… on the one hand it contains some interesting insights and we need to talk more about what Putin is trying to do to us, but on the other hand the video is very US-centric and oversimplifies everything to seemingly arbitrary bullet-points.

    For example, the video divides Russian propaganda in “for Russians” and “for West” as if the Kremlin didn’t have a specific strategy for each and every western nation and ignored non-western states altogether (but of course “for West” really means “for the US” and the rest of the world doesn’t matter).

  • One passage, attributed to Pope Sixtus V, reads: “Axle in the midst of a sign”.

    Pope Sixtus’ tenure began 442 years after the first Pope’s rule, and the passage suggests he is in the ‘middle’ of the papal lineage - thus indicating the end of the world would come 442 years later, in 2027.

    The last passage of the book reads: “In the final persecution of the Holy Roman Church there will reign Peter the Roman, who will feed his flock amid many tribulations, after which the seven-hilled city will be destroyed, and the dreadful Judge will judge the people. The End.”

    The “seven-hilled city” refers to Rome and some interpret the last passage as Peter taking over as the Pope from Francis due to the latter’s chronic lung disease, making Francis the last Pope.

    I must say, that sounds like pretty solid proof.

    I’m quitting my job, taking on all the debt I can, and spending the remaining two years in as much luxury as possible.

    See you in two years, losers!

  • By and large, nationalists are bound to be disunited when it comes to practical matters, because each one only truly cares about their interests (it’s right there in the name, “national interests” is what nationalist parties call their own interests).

    They do seem united when it comes to promoting their “principles”, but that’s because the same propaganda slogans (“us good, them bad”, “less taxes”, etc.) work everywhere and so all nationalists sing the same song.

    The only long-lasting relationship between nationalists is where one side is a subject of another, and even those are only stable as long as the power balance doesn’t change.

  • Here too (Italy) the education system makes a pretty terrible job at teaching the joys of reading (or those of music, maths, and… pretty much anything to be honest).

    Maybe that’s why people love soccer so much… because they have not been properly taught to like other things?

    I’ve been told by people who live in the US (California, IDK if it’s the same elsewhere) that kids have reading periods at school where the class is silent and each kid sits by their own and reads whatever book they please.

    It made me chuckle at first, but then I started wondering if that could work better than assigning books to read at home and report on like they do here.