Another starship user. Mostly want it to summarise useful stuff for folders pulled from git or whatever so it’s pretty plain rest of the time. I use the same on all my boxes
Another starship user. Mostly want it to summarise useful stuff for folders pulled from git or whatever so it’s pretty plain rest of the time. I use the same on all my boxes
Yeah, they usually have me changing band as I want well away from that, i don’t want them hopping across.if I stay there But even just unprobalamtic farmers chat ain’t going to be appealing to most kids.
Make clubs accessible for younger people again. Lots of clubs became old man’s clubs that aren’t where kids want to hang out. Clubs are a great way to get access to gear without having to buy it and be able to use it via the club license(s).
I think showing the different types of communications available, including sat coms is helpful. Not everyone wants to ragchew with old men.
Only touch screen controls for important controls are a safety hazard, and the upcoming safety standards in the EU will withhold the top ratings because of this:
Controls for things like the radio or cruise control are fine on the wheel as buttons. Indicators absolutely aren’t, and are the example I used for good reason. Honestly I have no words if you cant see that they are an actual safety hazard on something like a roundabout, particularly one you would navigate at speed.
Simple left or right turns at say traffic lights or other junction aren’t the problem, trying to activate them while the wheel can be at some random orientation is difficult, so you end up not bothering.
Not signalling when at a round about is an offense in the UK. Its rarely enforced due to lack of traffic police, but its enough that its an actual offense that the car should be designed not to make it considerably harder to use them. In the event of an accident serious enough for the police to get involved if you didn’t indicate then that’s going to count against you.
Ask them to do the same gesture at a synagogue or other public event
Which ones aren’t? Also deciding to copy dumb ideas from elsewhere is even more dumb as someone else did the alpha testing for you, showed it was dumb, and you still copied it.
I forgot the yoke instead of a wheel. That’s another Elon special.
Buttons for indicators I know are on modern ferraris, I can’t afford one but I still wouldn’t buy one because of them. Try using buttons on a steering wheel when doing a right at a roundabout, just the dumbest shit.
Borg daily to the local drive then copied across to a USB drive, then weekly to cloud storage. Script is triggered by daily runs of topgrade before I do any updates
BYD is eating everyone’s lunch at the bottom not just Tesla.
Tesla could have prospered by sticking to the mid range but their build quality is appalling even for a lower mid car.
Couple that with some truly dumb design ideas from Elon (no lidar, no physical buttons, indicators as buttons, stupidly high repair bills due to design choices) and some even more stupid personal behaviors from him and he has just cut the legs out of his market.
EV buyers who are spending more money care about this kind of thing, budget buyers it is mostly about price.
With a thermostat, smart or dumb, you set a target temperature and a time. With a dumb thermostat it waits till that time and then activates. With a smart thermostat it should learn how long it takes to heat or cool to that target temperature in certain conditions and then aims to hit the target at that point.
So if you got up at 8am and wanted it 20c with a dumb thermostat you got to work out when it needs to go on in order to hit that as no heating system is instant on something the size of a house, with a smart thermostat with learning you do not need to do that at all, just set it for 8am.
As no system is working in a vacuum how hot or cool it is outside, even how sunny it is, has a big impact on how quickly your system heats or cools. Being able to measure and compensate for the outside temperature means the actual start time can be adjusted for you. This can save significant amount of cash.
As an example, lets say the outside temperature was going to be -10c 6am till 8am and you wanted it 20c by 8am. Doing it with a dumb thermostat you would either have to live with an under or overshoot on temperature. Say next day its 2C, now you need to adjust your overshoot again. With a smart thermostat I do not need to do that at all.
Sure, you can just live with the under/overshoot, but its better for your bills and better for the environment not to.
Aesthetically appealing tools are important to me, I like tools that are good to look at and work with and I will pay more for the privilege.
When I have a set of tools I prefer that they are coloured differently as it helps identify different sizes without having to read labels once you worked with them for a bit. I am particularly partial to Swiss Tools rainbow sets for this reason.
Obviously if you are only using the tool once in a blue moon then you really do not need to spend big money on it, but if you are spending more can get you a significantly better tool, so it might as well look cool in the process.
Even things like screwdrivers a better quality one like Vessels Megadora range cam out a lot less than the cheapest supermarket screwdrivers so you have less frustration with stripping screw heads. Plus they are A LOT more comfy to use all day.
Power tools I am on the DeWalt batteries, so cordless I stick with DeWalt. Anything corded or hand powered I buy whatever is best bang for my buck, but if its reasonably close I will stick with DeWalt where I can.
All my storage boxes are either Stanley or DeWalt as its the same system and same colours. I like my storage to match as much as possible as I have a lot of it and it looks better matching. Even the foam in my storage is black and yellow, lol.
I switched from Sync to Summit when I finally gave up on the sync dev ever doing anything more. Summit has frequent updates and fills the same spot for me as Sync, which is important to me as I used sync with reddit for a long time.
Aren’t the robo taxis remotely supervised as well? Not really level 4 if somebody is having to do that.
Start with all the US held games of the World Cup next year, would make quite the statement if the Mexican and Canadian held legs sold out but the US did not. Would be noticed by Trump as well as hes been cosying up to the head of UEFA
Nice, sounds a lot better than the Hex
Are they still living at their parents, trapped by the UK housing and job markets?
Different pressure when you aren’t going to lose the roof over your head or you next meal if you quit work.
Its probably the only real upside of not being able to afford your own place.
Because he thinks speaking confidently about something is the same as actually knowing what hes talking about.
He also has a massive throbber for the private sector, which compromises his stance on things.
If you can wait I would, the OG hex is pretty damn slow. I have one as a backup router and even then I wouldn’t want to use it long term.
Yeah that sounds awful. I am doing the full UK and they give you a reference booklet for the exam that covers a lot of the basic rules like that to crib from. Only thing I do not like with the UK exam is having to memorize the block diagrams for all the different transceivers, completely pointless IMO as who would troubleshoot or build a transceiver without an online reference in this day and age?
Best of luck with your exam!
They should all be able to run a VPN, its just the speed you’ll get through it that will vary. That particular model is pretty old now I would not get that unless your budget is limited. The refreshed version of that is the E50UG, which is a lot more powerful, but its still a budget device. I have no idea when openwrt will be coming for the refreshed hex, but it should not be that long as other arm devices from mikrotik are supported.
It requires a bit of work to setup routeros but the guides for the common tasks are easy enough to follow. Its only if you want to do something outside of the guides or miss a step that it becomes a PITA if you aren’t familiar with networking.
Yes but only occasionally. I have them mapped as space cadet shift keys so left shift key is ( on tap and shift on hold, right shift key is ) on tap and shift on hold.
I use ( a lot but my ide normally adds the ) for me so I don’t need it as much for that.
Also, I use left shift for most capitals as I rarely gpt further than ; on the right side of the keyboard.
Smaller keyboards I have shift on hold of A and L as I don’t have dedicated shift keys kn those.