1:17 into the video and she hasn’t said anything yet. Trash
1:17 into the video and she hasn’t said anything yet. Trash
Anyone old enough to remember Ren and Stimpy and the episode where they found corn in the dresser? I didn’t realize it was porn…and now porn is actually called corn. I’m too fucking old.
Then pay enough that they don’t need a side hustle.
Jesus fucking Christ…kill one person “sane” and it’s life but murder mutilation like a death metal album = insanity (which is curable‽) and you’re out in ten years. This country is fucked.
And thus the Phillies cure began.
I love your energy and old white business owners suck but if you think it’s only rich white assholes vs rich assholes I’ve got a sane place in Florida to sell you.
We just had to put our Bombay with a locket down yesterday…this looks exactly like him - the white whiskers.
43 years ago… fucking Regan is responsible for a fuckton of this bullshit.
Pretty sure that guy was part of W’s legal team that put him in office…just saying.
If anyone ever deserves to live by the rules she expects others to live by it’s that dum bitch.
Fucking congress doesn’t deserve to get paid (the obstructionist assholes) let alone a fucking raise. Cut social security but let’s give ourselves a raise to the six figure salaries we already make. Fuck off
One of them is going to piss themselves… And I’m not sure which.
I felt bad about doing Meathook Sodomy from Cannibal Corpse…Hammer Smashed face was fun
It also lines up perfectly with part 3 of 2001 Space Odyssey.
Meathook sodomy
Shit bags gonna suck off other shit bags bullshit causes, trash the lot of them.
She was fired from a rural DA office in CO for for being a bad lawyer she’s always been terrible.
Relay is going to start charging a subscription fee…
Definitely me …I mean it sucks now…but I mostly quit after aita_mods_are_all_incels as a username got me super duper banned…but they are definitely useless fucks
Trash video… 1:17 into it and they haven’t said anything.