I’m someone who builds cloud infrastructure for a living. I only touch AWS (Amazon), but the same applies to Azure (Microsoft) and GCP (Google).
Kagi is private. Saying that they “rely” on Google because they use GCP is akin to saying that the US Army relies on General Motors because they use Hummers. It’s just a provider. They’re renting virtual machines, compute power, storage, and network bandwidth nothing more. You can use GCP/Azure/AWS without your data ever being visible by GCP/Azure/AWS. It’s not because you use GCP that you have to use AdSense/Analytics/Fonts, etc. They are completely separate.
Politicians would have a field day with all the cloud providers if using one thing forced you to use everything.
Non mais, c’est quoi ce langage alarmiste?
C’est quoi le but exactement? De faire croire aux gens que les airbags sont plus dangereux que… checks notes… s’exploser le crâne sur le volant, en cas d’impact?
Voici une page avec plus d’infos: https://www.ecologie.gouv.fr/rappel-airbag-takata