Teams pretends it’s an app that can do a lot of things at once but for literally all of the things it pretends to be good at it is the worst possible choice.
Teams pretends it’s an app that can do a lot of things at once but for literally all of the things it pretends to be good at it is the worst possible choice.
Zulässiges Gesamtgewicht sollte nach Marke und Modell doch einheitlich sein? Kennzeichen scannen, Daten abrufen und schauen ob das Parkticket für das Auto passt kann damit vollautomatisch von statten gehen.
Relevant xkcd
Wie würdest du denn “anderweitig verpartnert” definieren? Gilt man so, sobald man ein paar Wochen oder Monate miteinander ausgeht? Nachdem man zusammenzieht? Muss man Kinder haben? Wenn man von Kindern spricht, wie sieht es mit Sorgerecht und Elterlichen Pflichten aus?
Eine gesetzlich geregelte Ehe sorgt für rechtliche Sicherheit und klärt alle diese Fragen und weiter auf einmal.
They removed russian maintainers that are associated with sanctioned companies. Individual russian contributers were unaffected by this.
While I agree with the sentiment, the decision to remove these maintainers seems to have been purely legally based. It stands to reason that the Linux foundation will follow and remove sanctioned Israeli maintainers if they end up on a list of sanctioned companies/people.
Your words, not mine. If they were afraid of malicious code coming from these sources they would’ve removed them earlier and not only after their legal department recommend these maintainers be removed.
Open source doesn’t mean that malicious code isn’t impossible though. For a project as large as the Linux kernel it is unlikely, but see the xz-utils incident earlier this year for example.
I don’t have any confirmations of your points
The kernel and its changes are open source, you can just look at the changes that were made.
Maintainers (not contributers or their contributions) associated with sanctioned russian companies were removed. The Linux foundation is a legal entity that has to comply with international sanctions.
Last Jedi
That’s cheating, none of that movie made any sense whatsoever.
Agreed. The important difference here is that in these cases they do not serve in their form as a (military) force. They have no more authority in these situations than a random citizen already performing said tasks. Performing policing duties, they inherently have power and authority.
There’s a reason you separate military and the police. One fights the enemies of the state. The other serves and protects the people. When the military becomes both, then the enemies of the state tend to become the people.
From Adama in Battlestar Galactica
Could you post the median values or even better visualise the distributions or give the data? Sauber had a few really bad pit stops at the beginning of the season which pulls their average down a lot, but doesn’t affect the median that much.
Has nobody learned from KSP2? First you release the unfinished game, promise to fix everything, and only then you close the studio, not the other way around.
Wahrscheinlich werden im einfachsten Fall die Apps nicht mehr in Europa in den entsprechenden Stores angeboten, nächste Stufe wäre dann wahrscheinlich geoblocking der Nutzer basierend auf der ungefähren Position nach IP oder sogar Sperrung der Kontos. Wenn nur die Apps im Store nicht mehr verfügbar sind kann man zumindest unter Android die APK runterladen und selbst installieren, gegen Geoblocking hilft nur ein VPN.
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Du bekommst als Wahlhelfer nur eine geringe Aufwandsentschädigung für den Tag. Die Städte ziehen häufig dafür auch Angestellte ein, die im Gegenzug zB einen oder zwei Tage extra Urlaub zusätzlich erhalten. Die Motivation ist dann natürlich entsprechend gering, denn auszählen der Stimmen alleine dauert nach Schliessen der Wahllokale 2-3 Stunden, wenn sowas dazwischen kommt, dann lässt man das die Leute erledigen, die dafür entsprechend bezahlt werden.
People give Anno 1800 too little credit, other than that I agree.
This is a manmade problem though. We exterminated all or most of the predators that would usually do the duty of population control in our stead, because said predators didn’t differentiate between livestock and wild animals.
Simply put, a crawler reads a site, takes note of all the links in the site then reads all of these sites, again notes all the links there, reads those, etc. This website always and only links to internal resources which were randomly generated and again only link to other randomly generated sources, trapping the crawler if it has no properly configured exit condition.