And the crowd goes mild
And the crowd goes mild
A man with an average height of 1.8 M and average weight of 89kg at 1G would weigh about 58,446 metric tonnes. To put that in perspective it’s just a little under three quarters of the weight of a Queen Elizabeth class Aircraft Carrier or almost exactly 10% of the weight of your mum.
So I assumed the rotas were about 3 meters from the cocpit and asked Gemini.
To calculate the g-force experienced during this acceleration, we need to go through a few steps:
I’m sure someone who’s better at maths than me can tell me where the llm has gone wrong. But it sounds impressive.
Isn’t it amazing that you can look back on someone who’s objectively awful and think, compared to what we have now they’re preferable
But does that outweigh the amount of days lost from people taking sick days?
Oh sorry America. The civilised world would be making that calculation though.
Askbrits 62k members.
Askuk 2milion members.
I got banned from the latter because of their stupid absolutely no politics rule. Lots of questions can’t be answered without it being down to politics.
And here’s the kicker: the way climate models work is by predicting the next timeframe based on the previous one. Because of this, your “statistically irrelevant” error becomes larger and larger with each prediction, as the next prediction will be based on these small errors.
Which would be an issue if new models weren’t being made and refined
if you want to trust the GISP2 data)
The poor interpretation of that data you mean?
or around 7970BC (if you want to go with the multi-core reconstruction method). Plants and animals are still here, aren’t they?
So around the time of the Quaternary extinction event.
Again you seem to be arguing that just because not everything died it’s ok that a lot of stuff died.
Ok so your prediction won’t be perfect, it’ll be a fraction of a percent off one way or another. It will be a figure that’s statistically irrelevant. Flip a coin a ten thousand you’re not likely to get exactly 5000 heads and 5000 tails. You’ll get a bit over five thousand of one and a bit under five thousand of the other. What your really fucking unlikely to get 10000 heads unless your name is Rosencrantz
Was Earth hotter than now before? Sure, why else do we find mummified animals and perfectly preserved roads and settlements under the melting ice!
Except the key point that denialists seem to forget is those changes happened over thousands to tens of thousands of years, not tens of years.
The rapidity is the issue as much or more than the change itself. The speed means plants and animals can’t migrate to areas that are better suited to them climatically, let alone give time for evolutionary based adaptations.
Will temperatures rise indefinitely and kill us all? Probably not.
No it won’t kill us all well recognised.
But it will and has killed many many people. Heat in the climate is energy, more energy is stronger winds and more violent storms. Changes in temperature is winds not blowing as they have for generations. It’s failed monsoons or rains when you expect and need it to be dry. It’s flash floods. It’s droughts. It’s also countries becoming poorer so people migrate it’s increased racial tensions it’s riots, it’s concentration camps.
So, yes I agree it won’t kill us all but it’ll kill a fucking lot of us and a lot of the people it does kill will be the most valuable globally.
the exact data we have to train those models is from the past 150-200 years.
The word exact is doing some heavy fucking lifting in that sentence
We have tens of thousands of years of ice core data and hundreds to thousands of years of tree ring data.
No one is forcing you do use apps outside of the app store. It’s about choice.
If such a competitor emerged they’d not be able to trade in the EU, given the size of the EU economy that ain’t happening.
Trying to predict the number a roulette ball will fall on is hard. Predicting that it’ll fall on a specific number X% of the time over 16,425 (the number of days in 45 years) spins is easy.
Waterstone’s (and now Blackwells as Waterstones bought them) are majority owned by an American investment company with a minority shareholder being a Russian billionaire.
In April 2018, Elliott bought a majority stake in Waterstones, leaving Alexander Mamut’s Lynwood Investments with a minority holding.[80] The sale completed in May 2018. James Daunt will remain as chief executive.[81]
I feel that bird flu is worse in the UK than the media are generally reporting. I work for one of the majority supermarkets and were running at about 75% fulfilment from our suppliers for eggs.
It’ll always be the Millennium Dome to me.
I agree. He’s going to hit us with tarrifs anyway, so we might as well.
The digital sales tax as it is brings in next to nothing and is set at just 2%. Do what the lib Dems have suggested and triple it. Then in my opinion when we do get hit by tarrifs triple it again from 6% to 18% as part of our retaliation package.
Yep, it’s big part of why they’ve not been approved for sale in the UK and probably other European countries.
I had one about 10 years ago
I hope countries start putting big export tarrifs on eggs to “protect domestic support” 400% should be a starting point.
Would the URLcheck app on android filter this out, or not because of the way it’s being done?