Nah I’m in academia, folks in my company have great vocab. I’m talking about specifically on social media as I peruse communities that are new to or have nothing to do with me. It’s just one of those things you notice when you read a lot of comments by a lot of diverse people.
Having leftists actually JOIN the Democratic and work to promote their own vision would be a huge start. I’ve noticed a crisis online where very leftist or progressive people are constantly talking about “those Dems” and what “they’re” doing.
We start by making the conversation about “us” and not “them”. Take some personal responsibility. It astounds me that leftists et al are so butthurt about the lack of their preferred ideology within Democratic ranks when hardly anybody with said ideology are making themselves known within Democratic ranks.
We do what MAGA did. Co-opt existing party infrastructure around a populist, progressive leadership and message.