make your billions by buying lots of small, but super profitable investments.
make your billions by buying lots of small, but super profitable investments.
as a queer brown man; i don’t want to be anywhere at all.
why 1949 and where?
fwiw: gay nightlife in san francisco was at its zenith in the 50’s & 60’s .
the san francisco we have today is a tiny dim more conservative ember of what it was back then.
republican policies create more republicans and now that they’re a majority (per the article) a majority of the next generation will be republican.
difference they’re not on lemmy; they’re people to volunteered to work in a position where they have to deal with this behavior.
Let’s see how the strategy of ignoring calls from your base a year before a contested election that your opponent polls higher in key states works out for them. It feels like the DNC is trying to lose in 2024 right now.
the “vote for the lesser evil” crowd are an overwhelming majority and, they not only don’t care that dems don’t deserve your vote; but will use that overwhelming majority voice to blame you for enabling trump.
genx is the most trumpy of all the generations and millennials are now in their early 40’s; unless you’re genz or younger, i wouldn’t wait.
also living long enough to watch biden go from dunking on gays to get easy political points to being hailed as the most pro-gay president ever has convinced me that things change in ways that don’t make sense so i now expect that, as wealth transfers from boomers to their younger relatives, we’ll see fascist sentiments resurge due to newly wealthy people feeling like they need to do something to keep their new found wealth.
voting for the lesser evil will only serve to guarantee that you will forever be voting for the lesser evil and that you will reach the same evil that the alternative raced towards, but slower.
this and the fact biden was so un-apologetically banking on homophobic, sexist and classicist issues until well after it became politically convenient to change is exactly why i stopped voting democrat and i love that i’ve been able to convince other who i have a relationship with to stop as well.
thanks for saying
i’ve learned first hand that not even the liberals in austin give a rats ass about voter suppression in texas; so she must be doing this for herself because she’s not going to have an impact in uvalde and much less for the rest of the state.
also: it’s small town texas; i wonder if she actually expects to achieve anything.
it’s everywhere american conservatives have a relationship and right now it’s strongest in africa
my pets are the sole reason i’m alive and now only one is still drawing breath; i can’t adopt or rescue another because it hurts too much when they leave permanently so i don’t think i’ll be around long after this one is goes.
I loved that show because I identified w jimmy as someone whose ambitions/aspirations where openly thwarted by those he cared about and was devoted to but kept the open secret from him. I hated chuck because it was clear he was acting on a desire for familial revenge; but then the writers in the last season made it clear that Jimmy is always in the wrong so now I just have ambivalent feelings about a show I loved and then deeply hated in the last 3 episodes
Do something that you can immediately enjoy and it’s sufficiently distracting for you to give you a moment to completely forget about it
Israeli intelligence knew and did nothing at the behest of their masters
And one of the root causes is propaganda passed off as affordable education to school districts whose budgets are bieng intentionally choked off in favor of for profit education all across this country for the last 5 or so decades
i lol’ed when i got to this line because you perfectly described the circumstances describing nixon’s resignation (excluding the execution).