From a terminal window: man update-crypto-policies or just search for an explanation in your browser.
From a terminal window: man update-crypto-policies or just search for an explanation in your browser.
Others have provided the answer but if you want to explore system wide crypto policies check out update-crypto-policies
Capitalism will cost is costing us the Earth
Wayland support wasn’t working with NVIDIA and commenting out the suspend / resume checks (that can disable Wayland) fixed it. This was early - possibly F40 beta so it may not be necessary anymore but everything still works.
cp /usr/lib/udev/rules.d/61-gdm.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/61-gdm.rules
Comment out the suspend / resume tests in /etc/udev/rules.d/61-gdm.rules. Any issues delete /etc/udev/rules.d/61-gdm.rules.
Create alias to check if current session is Wayland:
alias iswayland='loginctl show-session 2 -p Type | awk -F= '\''{print $2}'\'''
To index file paths: GNU locate. It’s also quick to create the index with updatedb. To search: locate <part of path>. Ie: locate artist.flac
Check out - new or used.
The opposing theory is one of being an incompetent fuckwit. Bojo, Lettuce and Sunak. The holy trinity of fuckwittery.
Yes, I clearly remember the Torygraph calling constantly for PR when the Tories had an 80 seat majority. /s Hypocrits.
Haven’t looked recently but have a look at Laptops with Linux.
Assuming you’re on Fedora 40: sudo dnf install dnf5
Israel is not blocking humanitarian aid and yet hundreds of aid lorries wait at the border crossings?
Mask? Welcome to biometric gate analysis
RedNote is touted as an alternative.