My Catholic in-laws voted for Trump in 2020 because Biden, a Catholic, was going to outlaw catholicism.
There’s no hope for these people.
My Catholic in-laws voted for Trump in 2020 because Biden, a Catholic, was going to outlaw catholicism.
There’s no hope for these people.
It hasn’t been decades. Maybe 15 years, though. It’s coincided with the ubiquity of streaming.
Before Netflix was everywhere, a movie could bomb in theaters and still make up the difference on the back end. Kevin Smith’s Clerks and Mallrats are great examples of movies that absolutely cleaned up on DVD sales. Comedy Central using advertising money and licensing Office Space for 20 hours per week is part of why the producers trusted Mike Judge enough to make Idiocracy.
But steamers don’t pay nearly as well as direct-to-consumer home video or as well as advertising-supported licenses. So producers are disincenrivized to do mid-budget movies or take chances on new IPs, because if it doesn’t do well in theaters then they’re not making the money back.
This was posted right after the Chiefs won the Superbowl in 2024. There was a MAGA theory going around that Biden was going to rig the game for the Chiefs, Taylor Swift was going to endorse him, and then everyone who watched the game would be brainwashed into voting for him.
Imagine if stunt coordinators were considered optional.
My wife has started her evil run of Baldur’s Gate 3 at least four times. She invariably gets to Baucus on the windmill, says “I can’t be mean to Barcus!” and reverts to a good guy playthrough again.
Just a point of clarification: the probationary period of federal employees is much longer than 90 days. For most, it’s one year. Some roles are two years.
Not every argument has two sides. Some have five sides. Some have one side. Pigeonholing everything into a duality hampers our ability to understand nuance.
But I guess it does make for better television.
I dunno. Anyone investing in tech or energy took a pretty big hit in the last couple days…
Dr. King’s policy was, if you are nonviolent, if you suffer, your opponent will see your suffering and will be moved to change his heart. That’s very good. He only made one fallacious assumption. In order for nonviolence to work, your opponent must have a conscience. The United States has none.
Biden campaigning in 2020: I’m going to put guardrails in place to stop all this corruption and this slouch towards fascism. I’m going to Save the Soul of America.
Biden leaving office in 2025: Why didn’t anybody do anything?!?
It’s clearly meant for a fish.
Either this comment is also misogynistic as all hell, or my mother was very masculine.
It’s not his fault he sexually exploited women! It’s the goth chicks corrupting his mind!
Wow. What a take.
Just to piggyback off of this: trial-by-jury in the US is nearly nonexistent now. Less than 10% of arrests lead to a jury trial. Most go to a plea bargain.
The state no longer has to convince 12 of your peers that you’re guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. They just need to convince you that you’ll suffer more if you maintain innocence than if you accept guilt.
I haven’t been to a doctor in over twenty years now. For most of that time, either I didn’t have insurance or my insurance was so laughably bad and my wages so low that I couldn’t afford to use it. Now I’ve got a decent job and decent insurance, but the nearest doctor accepting patients is over 50 miles away.
Guess all I can do is cross my fingers and hope whatever kills me does it quick.
Obama campaigned on codifying Roe v. Wade in 2008. Fast forward to Dems controlling the White House, Senate, and House of Reps in 2009, and all of a sudden “it isn’t the time.”
I read about a pilot program in Canada back in the '70s or '80s that found that fewer people on UBI had jobs, but those people who left the workforce were overwhelmingly new mothers and older teens who were still in school.
Kurt Vonnegut had a fun take on this exact scenario in his first book, Player Piano.
My professor wrote his own textbook and sold it to us to supplement his salary.
And progressive tax rates collected at the state level distributed based on student density and district need are better than both options.