In elementary school we weren’t even allowed to check out books from the library if the teacher didn’t think we could pass the AR test because it would lower the class average.
I like traveling and exploring.
In elementary school we weren’t even allowed to check out books from the library if the teacher didn’t think we could pass the AR test because it would lower the class average.
Can all these NIMBYs just pack up and move to Tallahassee already? Seems like they’d be way happier there.
And you’ll have to do documentation and everything and then they won’t even use it.
I just typed in Lacie SSD into Amazon and wouldn’t you know it the second-top result is a sponsored listing for the SanDisk Extreme 2TB with a $5 coupon, 4.7 stars and 46,000 reviews. Now if those reviews aren’t fake I don’t know what is.
I read the title as Brand Names and I was trying to figure out what the mystery brands were, until I realized it said bands.
Even better if you use Experian: give us access to all your spending data or else you’ll never see a score increase again (source: been dealing with this for three years while Equifax continues to go up. I feel like they’re doing something illegal, but they probably already were and nobody cares.)
Now if the USPS could just figure out a virtual address system we’d be golden.
There’s some truth there, it’s hard to measure the value of something if it doesn’t exist. Might as well just build it and see!
The last part took me a minute but that is really the hallmark of any commercial software from the last 15 years. They all think they’ve solved your problem that they’ve never heard of.
Never heard of that one, I was telling somebody the other day about IceWeasel. So there definitely are FF clones. Or I guess you could just compile Firefox yourself and remove the denylist portion of the code. Would be extra funny if they compiled a version specific for France (because why block sites for everybody else?) and put it next to the regular one on their website with text that said oh BTW if you’re in France definitely only download this version, wink wink.
I’ll have more faith once it can reliably switch back and forth between Unicode symbols and their underlying HTML entities. It understands the concept of emojis and can use them appropriately, but I can tell there’s still some underlying issues in the token/object model for non-ASCII symbols.
Good I’m tired of not being able to uninstall 1 of the 3 Xbox apps.
Most Tesla stations don’t have bathrooms, bad coffee or prepackaged danishes though.
But the 2010s aesthetic reblogs will be forever lost to time.
Oh just wait until you learn about all the miscategorizations that are lurking in Google Maps data. Want a nice seafood date for two? Head on down to the fish counter at your local Walmart! They categorized every business very generically and never made discrete tourism categories.
Now they “only” sell for about 50,000. There’s still plenty of people who don’t get why it’s not worth that much.
Either way it’s still a software restriction that can be bypassed with other software.
Homeward bound was a cute movie but I’m not sure how well talking animals works as a genre. Although, this movie will be for somebody.
How do I approach a VC firm about losing all their money in a big spectacle? Seems to be all the rage these days.
Maybe they can get the diamond clouds on Jupiter to pay for the new spaceport, in space cash of course.