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  • 23 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 5th, 2023


  • Nader pulled from D and R voters in equal measure. Nader’s Wikipedia page disagrees. Miami-Dade county was deliberately obstructed from completing its vote counting by Republican campaign staff Blaming Nader for a judicial coup is asinine.

    Yes, we should not forget that the Republicans were the real villains here. And that the Democrats should have protested much harder. However, the point is that Gore was initially declared winner, but because his margin was not significant enough, there was room to obfuscate the victory. Had he gotten Nader’s votes, it would have been more difficult to claim Bush victory.

    You hardly have to imagine. Just ask Republicans how they felt about the Perot voters in '92, when Clinton swept the EC with 43% of the total vote.

    Yeah, it was mostly a rhetoric question. I was mainly thinking all the bullshit about stolen election in 2020.

  • The degree to which Florida has been fumbled by Dems for the last 30 years cannot be overstated.

    As much as they messed up there, I have to point out that a significant percentage of the voters went for Nader (although would have preferred Gore to Bush). That stupid idiotic moronic idealism cost them and the world two pointless wars in the Middle East, whose ripple effects can still be felt. Nevertheless R’s just stole the election and the D’s rolled over I suppose in order not to cause instability and keep the corporate overlords happy. Can you imagine how angry the R machinery would have gotten if the roles were reversed (possibly some of the D base as well, but just because they’re not similar scum as R voters)?

  • Tänään kyllä alkoi päivä mukavalla vitutuksella kun on tuota uutisointia seurannut, Muskin kainalontuulettelut kirsikkana kakun päällä. Tuolla tervehdyksellä on ihan selvästi nyökätty äärioikeiston suuntaan ja taas kerran kokeiltu mitä saadaan menemään läpi. Ja läpihän se tämäkin menee, jopa ADL:tä, joka omassa twiitissään halusi korostaa yhtenäisyyttä ja ties mitä. Vähän jää semmoinen kuva, että kenelläkään ei ole enää virtaa vastustaa tätä uutta fasismia. Sorakuopan reunalla sitten todetaan väsyneesti vieruskaverille, että ei noissa kivääreissä oikeita ammuksia ole.

    Edit: Ylen ansioksi pitää tosin lukea se, että Muskiin viitattiin sen enempää selittelemättä oligarkkina. Tavan soisi yleistyvän.