• 9 Posts
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: June 4th, 2024


  • So Trump’s going to skyrocket inflation and debt again? Like he did last time and that this administration is finally in the late stages of cleaning up?

    This happens basically any time a Republican president is elected. They shit all over the economy, tank it and finally when Democrats clean everything up these morons cry “I was better off under the guy that fucked up everything.”

    I keep seeing everywhere that voters voted on the economy, yet no one seems to be pointing out the exhausting, blatantly obvious truth. It’s been happening for what, 20+ years now?

    Republicans make a mess, Democrats are always forced to clean it up. So pardon me if I think the voters are idiots.

  • Not super grim, but I worked in a hot warehouse unpacking cheap clothing from China, repacking it and watching the owners turn around and sell it on Groupon for a huge profit. Sometimes their family members would stop by in brand new Mercedes, BMW and other high-end luxury cars.

    The others and myself were all promised better jobs like product photographer, website designer, etc. I only lasted there one week.