It makes a lot more sense once you consider where you are starting from: a rock hurtling around the sun at breakneck speed (29.8 km/s). You can not really bullseye something when you are going almost 30 km per second sideways to it.
It makes a lot more sense once you consider where you are starting from: a rock hurtling around the sun at breakneck speed (29.8 km/s). You can not really bullseye something when you are going almost 30 km per second sideways to it.
If i read your question correctly then you are wondering if the voltages you see are going to work for TTL devices. As you can see in the linked tutorial it is not just about nominal Vcc levels. Every chip is different. :)
OneWeb is owned by Eutelsat and i think that is the one they refer to in the article. OneWeb satelites use 450 km - 1200 km orbits so 3 to 8 ms delay assuming the signal goes straight up and straight down again.
In general waste glass and metals can be recycled easily and effectively and in many cases it is energetically efficient to do so compared to making new glass or metals form natural resources. There are a couple of caveats to this though that might be important:
There is a lot of research into metal recycling going on right now though, so that might change soon. :) Just because the technology exists to recycle something does not mean that somebody is doing it unfortunately. Even if it is economical to recycle something – meaning the recycled material would cost less than the virgin material – it is still possible that it isnt done because the market is too niche. For instance borosilicate glass can be recycled and it would be very energy efficient to do so but the market would be too small for anybody to invest in it. I guess energy is still too cheap.
Plastic liners in general are not typically recycled, if there is no easy method to separate them from the base material. This applies to cans, paper cups, metal bottles, furniture and lots of other things. In most cases they still allow the base material to be recycled though. For instance in ferrous metal recycling (cans) the plastic liners might simple be burned away in the electric arc furnace.
those missiles are almost certainly intended for ground launch.
Half nephew of Hitler fought in the US navy druing WWII:
If the fans are running at full blast, maybe you accidentally disconnected a temperature sensor?
That is mostly because those numbers take the average occupancy level into account. Cars are rarely driven with a passenger in every available seat.
If you replace a short haul flight with a ride on a train you could easily cut carbon emissions by 75% Source
legitimacy can be seen as a scale. In the last 19 years the US has never been the most legitimate democracy but i dont think it could have been considered “undemocratic” or autocratic since the end of the civil rights movement either.
Wenn du die Intentionen der FDP beurteilen willst, musst du wohl oder übel das Wahlprogramm zur Grundlage nehmen. Dieses Werkzeug hier versucht ja gerade die tatsächlichen Entscheidungen, losgelöst von formulierten Zielen, zu betrachten. Du kannst das Ergebnis ja auch so werten das die FDP sehr realpolitisch ist und sich wenig um ihr eigenes Wahlprogramm schert.
Diamond Age here we come :)
dose-rate != dose
is this the new kWh/kW?
On the short term: maybe
On the long term: makes absolutely no difference. Some of the soot from those fires might actually settle in the soil and stay there for 100 - 1000 years, which is probably the least harmful way petro chems could be converted. The portion that would have been converted to plastics and rubber might be a grey zone, but not a large one, since a large portion of that is burned at the end of its useful life.
upvote for use of capital ß
crows are omnivorous scavengers. eating other dead birds is regular crow behaviour.
Both caffeine and ephedrine are stimulants.
How many PSUs are installed in the Poweredge server? In the manual it says it could be 1 or 2 and the power per PSU could be 1100W so if it is 2 * 1100W then that could explain why the UPS has problems with it.
Check out their road map and the videos of their prototypes. It is very much not a tech bro project :). The first goal isnt event maglev but magnetic propulsion.
maybe time for CV dazzle:
This is not foolproof (read the paper for details) but it can help to protect peoples identities if used correctly.