He’s got those sucker fingers
I run Red Game Table. I used to be on Pr*lespod
He’s got those sucker fingers
Sounds like Austin shares my distaste for child actors, so I will trust his full take
Median US voter
Yeah, I read theory
Thanks, Wookieepedia (from the “Shower” page)
Honestly the Cultural Revolution was almost anarchist in nature, and in my personal opinion, the various excesses that occurred were because of not enough wielding of centralized power rather than too much of it
Amusingly, these are two of the only people in the world who would recoil and want to leave when being near a Shiba Inu
“Excellent work, 47. Now get out of there.”
Communists conveniently forget the passage in Capital where Marx says “I support Obama’s New World Order FEMA death camps”
That’s right
The best way to oppose social imperialism is to enthusiastically support regular imperialism
That’s what the ghost that invented it called it
“Name MacName” is perfect for a con artist
The latter, I’m pretty sure
The assassination attempt broke him; he was confronted with the possibility of his death for the first time in his life and he’s fucked up by it
Her performance was so fucking bad in that game
This is the background music of my memories of being 10-12
This might be a good opportunity to do some self-reflecting on your beliefs about the DPRK! When you observe that objective facts don’t line up with your perception of this country, the correct thing to do is not to say “how can I twist what I’m observing into an explanation that will leave my perception unchallenged”; it’s to say “perhaps my perception of this country is flawed” and re-evaluate
Stop sending them the munitions and money that cause the suffering and maybe we’ll believe you
When Red Dawn came out, the PRC would definitely have supported the US and UK in an open war between the Soviets and the Americans