Have you heard of mesh networks?
Have you heard of mesh networks?
I desperately wish I could make it one single day without seeing someone talk about jews angrily. Being jewish and having an internet connection is a terrible combination.
Edit: This has the exact same negative impact on my emotions as if you posted it sincerely.
I think I’m correctly interpreting the effective meaning of the comic. The effective meaning takes precedent over the intended meaning. Now that you know my view, do you think everyone’s response to my take is justified? It’s pretty demoralizing how readily everyone assumes the least charitable interpretation of my words when there is any level of ambiguity. Nobody ever asks me to clarify. It’s just a fucking dogpile right out the gate because this whole charade of “discourse” is a dopamine-seeking frenzy dressed up as intellectualism.
My point is that I find it disgusting how society doesn’t seem to give a shit about homeless men but they do care about homeless women and children. Homeless women and children seem to be the main focus for most people seeing as there are so many more resources only available to homeless women and children than there are to homeless men despite the fact that the VAST majority are adult men. Society has a sickening lack of sympathy for homeless men, to the point where you can’t get some people to care about the homelessness crisis in the slightest until you inform them that some homeless people are women and children. This comic is a demonstration of that phenomenon. The comic essentially says “actually, you should care about homelessness because they aren’t all just men”
Read the rest of my comments on this website and you’ll see that pretty much everything I say makes someone angry at me. Maybe your pet will reconsider
Christ, you actually can’t find a way to communicate without patronizing. I literally do not care what you have to say about my character or personality or whatever, it’s got very little to do with the actual substance of my comment.
I meant your actual point. I’m skipping the dumb internet fight bits. The third sentence in your message. Who said anything about “taking advantage of the system” because I surely did not.
I know my role. Someone’s gotta do it.
Don’t take this the wrong way, but I’m not sure what your point is. Can you rephrase and/or elaborate please?
Who’s offended?
Just what you to know that not everything is a personal attack directly at you.
Surely you can find a way to communicate this without being patronizing…
Just install linux and change your gtk/qt theme. It’s that easy.
Honestly this cartoon fucking sucks. Something like 80% of homeless people are adult men like the first panel. The three other panels essentially serve the message “Did you know some homeless people are women and children??? Do you care NOW?”
I can’t chill ever
It’s a curse
Namespaces are the construct in NVMe technology that hold user data. An NVMe controller can have multiple namespaces attached to it. Most NVMe SSDs today just use a single namespace, but multi-tenant applications, virtualization and security have use cases for multiple namespaces.
device v
/dev/nvme0n1p1 < partition
namespace ^
There are two types of people: Those who are able to identify gaps in their knowledge and actively seek to fill them… and whatever this meme is.
Hilarious that everyone is trying to make this into a sexist thing. The pharmacy tech bit is about fantasizing about someone to the point that you create in unrealistic image of them. The reason someone is disappointed about them being a pharmacy tech is because they aren’t a necromancer or a witch or some other gothic thing. It’s like oh, I thought you were gonna bring me back to your castle so we can drink blood from goblets and pray to the old gods, but we’re actually just gonna watch TV?
Jesus christ, nuance is so fucking dead.
Boooo don’t make this sort of joke at strangers you nasty slime
The “In memory of country music 1922-1999” bit at the end actually made me kinda sad. I love actual country music :(
I’m honestly shocked that nobody has mentioned mesh networks. It might also just scan for any unsecured network it can connect to without informing you in any way. Not connecting your TV to your WiFi is not nearly enough to preventing it from phoning home. You need to open the TV and ground the antenna(e) to physically disable the wireless capabilities. Even then, there may be other antennae hidden under or inside components you can’t disassemble.
Short answer: No. Your smart TV is smarter than you are.