It’s the same with the Norse, its either a Nazi or someone who wants to bury a Dænaxe into a Nazi.
It’s the same with the Norse, its either a Nazi or someone who wants to bury a Dænaxe into a Nazi.
Because you can’t play New Vegas all the time?
Maybe I’m projecting a bit, fuck it TTW is only about 20 percent installed for me who gives a fuck.
This looks more like a kebab than a burger. Burgers are just hamburg steaks on bread maybe with some toppings, this abomination is a kebab with some bread.
Also I know some folks who avoid politics like the fucking plague, not for any “enlightened” above politics sorta way. No they avoid politics because their usually mom was a fucking psycho and would shove politics into EVERYTHING. Air conditioner broke? Must’ve been the liberals. Grocery store stopped stocking miracle whip? Must’ve been Obama. Cheese grater handle snapped? It’s the immigrants.
Frankly speaking I suspect this is a larger cohort of folks than many realize. Hell I wouldn’t be surprised if up to 10 percent of the population avoided politics because of trauma.
Aight, like I give a damn about being reported woopty fucken doo.
Sure but it’d be funny, we should build a wickerman! We can get the BEES!!!
Just get Maine to join Canada, far easier.
Sure though don’t blame me if I’m a shit at it, just woke up so actual proper insult ain’t really on the table. Ya know what ain’t gonna try formulating insults I’m just gonna bitch like an asshole, far easier doesn’t require any wit.
So there’s the fact he is weirdly obsessed with the letter X for some gods forsaken reason, you’d think he was a 6 year old who just watched a documentary on Crusader cryptology and internal symbolism. There’s also his retarded obsession with old school sci-fi and cyberpunk more specifically but then again all these rich cunts seem to have that type of obsession with old literature. Also who the fuck pulls from Heinlein and goes with fucken grok? Seriously there’s far better Heinlein references ya man child.
Ok, best I can pull off. Like I said literally just woke up and am sitting in a hot room with mild dehydration cause I drool and sweat at the same time great combo that one.
Anyways I think attacking Musk for anything and everything is valid mostly because he is infact a Nazi. He could get domed by a fucking piece of meteorite and I’d call him a fuck up for it, maybe blame his plastic surgery for his death or something IDFK. Dudes so dysfunctional that if ya walked around in eggshells with him he would be rather hard to attack for his personality traits, and I am infact an asshole so I want to attack him over his dumbass traits.
Eh don’t feel too bad, death valley will consume 10 of your countrymen by the closing of summer. Seriously there’s running bets on my area about how many Germans will die and from what, safe bet is 5 from heatstroke.
Remember how a bunch of pissants from LA were damaging and even killing Joshua trees? I do, the trees still hunger for profligate blood.
I think you need to Czech next door to Poland to find a Cz sound.
There’s a reason why company towns were being abandoned even before they were outlawed, that being excessive violence. The key feature of these dweebs is a notable lack of historical understanding. Also a decaying empire is basically the only thing backing their wealth bravo dipshits ya played thine selves, seriously most of this shit will be taught in the successor states of the US not to dissimilar to how the failures of the Soviet Union are taught in former eastern bloc countries.
Sure but they’re also stupid meaning five minutes after they will realize why income tax was adopted. Tariffs were becoming inefficient by the time of the civil war let alone now.
Instructions perfectly clear.
Adopts metric clock and calendar only
Sure, but that only really works when you have something to offer that others don’t. Fact of the matter is Tesla is fucked one way or the other, the traditional car companies are making electric vehicles now, that means any market shrinkage Tesla faces is libel to be filled by their competitors. Combine that with the fact that the market has turned outright hostile and well ya have what we see now.
That’s not even getting into the fact that their stock is falling and the fact they have have to deal with the millstone around their neck called the cyber truck.
Yep because it drops the resale price, the cheaper the used ones are the more it eats into their new sale margins. If you could get the resale price down to id say they $5000 range you’d probably see folks buying them with the express purpose of fucking with them, which may further damage their reputation since rather than it being a prestige car it’d be the “I wanted to labatomize and modify an electric vehicle” car.
No, as I said previously Musk has the personality of being narcissistic that much is obvious him having NPD or not is irrelevant. One of the facts of having a mental illness is working with it and overcoming the worst elements to the best of ones abilities. Regardless of if Musk has NPD he most certainly is letting his other more obvious issues such as his overflowing ego, addictive personality, and maladaptive tendencies control him hell id even say he is going out of his way to wallow in it.
Perhaps I am encouraging folks to harass one very specific person who may have NPD, but frankly speaking Musk deserves to be degloved and rolled around in salt like the worst meat stick. Sorry but I ain’t seeing your point of view on this one.
I’m addressing the trait of narcissism not the mental illness of narcissistic personality disorder. Two different things ones a mental illness and the other is being a maladaptive bitch who thinks they’re the center of the universe and everyone else is an NPC, I’ll give you that musk is definitely mentally fucked by multiple metrics but it ain’t ableist to point out that his mental issues are contributing to his political spiral. Just like how my mother’s abuse was made worse by her bipolar swings Musks Nazi tendencies were caused by his maladaptions and accelerated by his addiction.
Analysis requires acknowledgement of all factors and guess what to analyze Musk you have to factor in his mental instability. Mental illness often times often times works as an acceleratent for negative tendencies I know this from personal experience, both with my mother and my own issues since PTSD and autism is a right volatile mix.
Regardless I don’t feel like there’s any point in being not ableist to Musk, it’d probably piss him off. Treat him like the depressed little shit stain he is, maybe we will get lucky and he’ll decide to air out his skull with a 12 gauge slug.
Fun fact back in I want to say 2008 there was a big old anti-gay protest thing that filled up a stadium here in California, turned out a solid chunk of attendees were bussed in by the Mormon fucken church. Sadly this fact wasn’t dug up particularly well until after prop 8(?) which banned gay marriage, luckily I think we have since voted it out. Also yes it did swing public opinion that badly, luckily I think it reaffirmed our weird xenophobia here in California so I don’t think it’d work again.
There’s also a hypothesis I’ve seen floating around that Celtic bards and Nordic Skalds may have had higher rates of autism. Basically the idea is that the requirements for memorizing, maintenance, and application of laws which they kept would be easier for folks with autism.