I believe it, but they also only drive specific routes.
Reddit sucks
I believe it, but they also only drive specific routes.
Just curious about the condition.
So you can kinda delete it
Yikes! What happens if you chug coffee? Do you feel anything? Maybe tired and wired? What about amphetamines?
They’re probably more similar to early Ozzy musically, but Lemmy is a sound of his own.
We all have regrets
You wood
Yeah I’ll smoke a joint to Zep but I’ll chug a Guinness to Motörhead
Motörhead ≠ Led Zeppelin
Somebody else is enjoying those ostrich eggs…every day…chained up in the basement…just giant raw eggs…until they’re put out of their misery
You talking ostrich eggs?
I believe this
Jeep does it too. Probably all CDJR soon
French citizenship in 2 years for study. Portugal and Belgium after living there 5. Spain in 2 if Latin American or Filipino.
I’d go 50 and 100 years into the future and see when and how time travel has been abused and then based on that I’d decide if I should go back and destroy all of the creator’s hard work before somebody else got a hold of it.
I’d also probably go back and see my grandma for a while before the dementia got bad. Bring the family to meet her.
Let’s see if Europe retaliates. Get your dual citizenships in order while you can.
Bear go in cave and man come out
Just ironic that they love the constitution and first amendment rights but would support this
Wow. What happened to the love for the constitution?
Pump and dump. That’s how the rich get richer.
As much as I love drones, the current tech has a lot of limitations. They’re awesome for small kamikaze stuff, but they don’t even compare to real weapons like a tomahawk if it really came down to heavy combat. With that said, drones offer so much more precision and a safer war.
All that said, I’m very interested in where drone tech will be in 20 years.