Welp, now everyone knows about it.
Welp, now everyone knows about it.
I’m wondering, did you buy the Vita recently or did you buy it while it was still sold in stores? I’m seeing a big resurgence of handheld emulation and think it’s wonderful that it lets us play through famous older titles! I just bought a 3DS XL and am planning to play some old games I missed, too!
I was also a latecomer to this game (played it in college). The time jumps were crazy!
I stand corrected - there are versions for other platforms available according to Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Journey_(2012_video_game)
I believe it is still an exclusive
With the emphasis that they have done certain elements better: Brothers: A Tale of two sons (Show, Don’t Tell) , Dark Souls (silent companion), Shadow of the Colossus (feeling of isolation/scale). I might add some more if I find the time.
I had a similar experience. Funnily enough I love walking simulators, or slow burns with similar mechanics so I was exactly in the target audience for this game but somehow it didn’t click with me. I can understand which elements make the game great, but these elements have been done better by other games (in my opinion). I have great respect for the craft though.
I just hope they haven’t abandoned it completely. But it would be nice to hear from the mods about the issue you raised. Would be a pity to lose such an active community.
As for games, I started Earthbound, finally
Who else remembers this obscure platformer? Especially the secret slapping move.
Happy to hear that Torna is a good game, Xenoblade 2 is my favorite. I think the best part of the Xenoblade games are the Titans. The environments are incredible because there is always a reminder that people are living their lives on a huge flying colossus
It is a bit better on the PC where you use the mouse
Thanks for checking! I will update the post.
This is going to be a bit of a grating answer, but, aside from Undertale which is a partial homage/subversion, the Mother series is very unique (on purpose).
You might like Live a Live if you want a JRPG. Otherwise, The World ends With You is a gamr that overlays a fantasy world over a seemingly ‘normal’ setting with a very unique art style. There are versions for different platforms but if you decide to play it you absolutely need to have a (3)DS
Have always heard how this game has apparently one of the friendliest and most mature communities.
This is why I love the fediverse. I would never find this article by myself.
deleted by creator
This was actually one of my favorite early ios games. At the time I couldn’t believe that an ios device was capable of such graphics.
Added Ctrl Alt Ego to my Steam Wishlist - never heard of it, great tip!
I love the jankiness of the era. I also played most of the post-2010 games that are similar to it.
Super Crate Box. An incredibly addictive, simple 2D shooting game! It’s free on Steam!