Bob’s Burgers, Bob and Linda’s marriage comes damn close to what your saying.
Bob’s Burgers, Bob and Linda’s marriage comes damn close to what your saying.
I’ve had mine running off of a power bank before too.
I’ve just lost someone in my team for 4 months due to paternity leave. As far as I’m aware on full pay too.
I’m happy he gets to take it, you guys in the US have it rough with workers rights. I’d say take the maximum you can and enjoy the time, we’re not put on this earth to generate profit.
Be the change you want to see and make sure you brag to everyone about how great it is when you get back, maybe they’ll start to think differently.
Not just Canada, there’s similar stories for a lot of nationalities, every country should be putting out warnings.
The US has lost it’s mind.
Couple the immigration issues with the fact that planes keep falling out of the sky in their air space due to air traffic control being gutted and even flying to Canada starts becoming dangerous too.
I’ll be avoiding the whole of North America for the foreseeable future, it’s just not safe.
I honestly thought it was a straight to streaming movie, had no idea it was in the cinema.
The marketing has been awful.
I just checked the play store link and for some reason I was enrolled in the beta. I uninstalled this week’s ago when it first started getting posted about.
How can they just enroll me on a beta for something I don’t even want.
This is what I was saying to someone a couple of weeks ago when Musk was talking about liberating the UK.
They don’t need to invade us, they’re already here.
I’d find this useful, it would be nice to sometimes filter out the onslaught of doom to preserve my mental health.
Wikipedia - The pot calling the kettle black explains the origins, with “pot meet kettle” being a sort of shortened version.
Gets used quite a bit here in the UK.
Log splitter?
I believe that if the president is incapacitated in any way the Vice President becomes Acting President. I guess they could stay in that role until the end of the term but if expect they’d use their new power in some fashion to make it more permanent.
I’ve thought about doing this myself but my GMail account is so ingrained in everything I don’t think I’d be able to untangle the mess.
Are there any big issues you see coming up with doing this, long standing accounts not letting you change email, etc?
Do you plan on keeping the old account around for a period to catch any services you might have forgotten about?
Be interesting to see a follow-up once you’re done to see what kind of pain it causes.
The difference between screwing around and science is writing it down.
– Adam Savage
Same for the NSFW communities they still get tagged as NSFW though.
I could see it being useful for those that want to filter the content out, or even to find it if they wanted.
I’m all for more options.
Agree completely, Eternal is what stopped me buying preorder, such a let down following 2016 and really didn’t feel like Doom at all.
Settings -> Connections -> Mobile Networks -> Network Mode
Works on my S23 Ultra, not sure if they lock this down by region or vendor though.
For anyone who wants the same info without the ads see: https://github.com/ValveSoftware/Proton/wiki/Proton-Versions
And for proton-ge: https://github.com/GloriousEggroll/proton-ge-custom?tab=readme-ov-file#overview
Proton-sarek: https://github.com/pythonlover02/Proton-Sarek
The only reason for the article to exist is to have an excuse to serve ads.
The article has one sentence on using older versions for better compatability with some games.
The rest of the article is basically summed up by “bigger number means newer”
The whole article seemed very surface level and didn’t really give any more info than could be derived from the names of the versions. As for the community forks mentioned people could find much better info just looking at the readme.
Maybe I’m just too technical but it just feels to me as pointless as an article explaining the difference between hot and cold taps on a sink.
Edit: fix autocorrect
Too much light can damage the paintings. Security bun knows his artefact conservation rules :)