But he has worked as a ceo before and thus has ceo experience! /s and thus the circle (jerk) continues.
But he has worked as a ceo before and thus has ceo experience! /s and thus the circle (jerk) continues.
When the whole western society has been force fed that “we must consume else our economy will collapse”, not continously outselling (and throwing away barely year old work) is bad, this is the result.
This graph does what every other predictive graph does, cuts the superlinear growth short just after one year. It’s guanteed to be very wrong. At some point we will have way more solar than needed and it will severely flat out, but I don’t think is even close it it.
Funny thing is that I am an software engineer.
Anyway, you might be right, but you also might be wrong, it entirely depends on how they have implemented it.
They are from a gameplay perspective the same game. That ubisoft possibly does the sadly very common “to win the marathon you have to sprint faster”, which makes it take a lot of work to spit out something very similar would not be surprising, but also does not change the fact that they are imo too similar.
Because they are releasing the same game multiple times with just a splash of paint.
Those need a entirely different type of help.
Interesting that zig is so much lower than c in expressiveness. Isn’t that a bit weird?
That is not the point. It’s not making it even worse than it is going to become. We are already going to get ass fucked, let’s make sure it’s not with barbed wire instead of a dildo.
A cool feature would be an opt in community federation. So two aligned communities on different instances can “friend” each other and will be synonymous. If one instance disappears or one community is closed, the other will be represented as the original synced whole.
Blue and gold.
This exploitative just creates burned out engineers. It’s a reason total productivity has seen increasing with reduced work weeks. Well rested and happy people are vastly more efficient.
Imo, any large company, even if started hardcore by linus and luke (and co), will always in the end be mostly created by all the employees.
The ownership of any large company should imo always be gradually moved over to the people who work there.
Worker coops are not a silver bullet and will always be corruptible in any way any other democracy can, but at least it has the possibility to be proper, in contrast to strict founder / investor ownership where you are at their mercy.
The intersection of iso8601 and rfc3339.
As a taller person, if this gives me sufficient legroom and a seat that actually distributes the weight over my whole thighs such that I can sit somewhat comfortable, this seems like a major upgrade to me.