Peter Thiel’s mole says that? Maybe Peter Thiel is hoping to take over Google for cheap or something
Peter Thiel’s mole says that? Maybe Peter Thiel is hoping to take over Google for cheap or something
The thing about being a big organization is that you need to have slack capacity most of the time in order to be able to go quickly in a different direction at certain times. If you don’t have excess capacity sitting idle, an unforeseen event can paralyze you
Just continue the timeline with fresh characters. ENT -> DIS -> SNW -> TOS -> TNG -> DS9 -> VOY -> Lower Decks -> PIC -> ???
I’d love a live action Lower Decks
The population of Canada has only recently surpassed the population of California. Annexing the blue states would be a big meal for Canada to digest
Russia does not recognize our borders in the Arctic. They have rival claims to the Arctic Ocean
Is the post-1993 thing NATO stepping in to stop genocide in Yugoslavia?
Do newspapers in your country not publish opinion columns or editorials?
Maybe it’s a way to launder dirty money or take bribes, the way solid booking a floor at the Trump Tower for a few months is a way to launder money.
Oh teh noes, not UK waging a proxy war on Iran and North Korea!
It’s 2050. The sea levels have risen 3 metres. Hurricane season lasts 9 months of the year.
Eric Schmidt: ChatGPT 4zz++ Premium Elite, how do we solve global warming?
ChatGPT 4zz++ Premium Elite: I don’t know, but I drew you as a minor being abused unprompted.
The only purpose of NFTs is to raise sea levels by metres and inundate every coastal city. Owning NFTs is a crime against humanity. Anyone who has ever owned an NFT belongs in prison
Looks promising. They’re definitely leaning on the retro vibes and they seem to have a budget
We’re a century away from self-driving cars that can handle snowfall
Just this year farmers with self-driving tractors got screwed because a solar flare made GPS inaccurate and so tractors went wild because they were programmed with the assumption of GPS being 100% reliable and accurate with no way to override
Not sure if we’re agreeing and saying exactly the same thing here, but Uber’s business model is to get suckers who are bad at math to own the cars. Uber’s business model does not work if they have to own their own cars. Self-driving Uber doesn’t work because Uber would have to own the cars and therefore has to cover vehicle insurance, vehicle depreciation, and so on out of its own margin.
Abolish snowfall
Technically, they had a few more monarchs (Louis XVIII, Charles X, Louis Philippe I) after Marie Antoinette’s husband even if you don’t count the two emperors. The fifth republic looks unlikely to lapse, though
Possession of any cryptocurrency should be punished by 5 years in prison. The only use case is paying ransoms to North Korea, and the side effects are destroying our climate
Ivan the Terrible is wrong by 2 centuries. The picture has him as 1754-1793, somehow after Peter the Great, but he actually lived 1530-1584. That’s a really weird mistake
The didn’t confuse Ivan the Terrible with Catherine the Great, because she lived 1729-1796 so those dates don’t match either
He came back to life, then popped out for milk and a packet of cigs and will have been back any minute now for the last twenty centuries, pinky swear promise