dear god, how else do you wipe your butt?
Felt a jiggle in SF
Some kind of general pain suppression.
You could turn it off, if you’re into that and sometimes pain let’s you know there might be a problem, but the endless agony people go through would end.
Starbucks. They moved into my neighborhood and put a bunch of small business owners (cafes) out of business including one owned by a very good friend.
Nestle. obvs
Cocaine & Ketamine, but cutting it with something else, I know not what (tons of money?)
I love and donate to SomaFM.
I have been hooked on the ‘DroneZone’, but there are lots of other channels on SomaFM that I should explore.
There is very minimal interruption (hourly? and quietly) asking for donations.
AOL - ISP. Not sure order of operations here… I was also on Mozilla/Netscape (1991/92-?)
Bulletin Board Channels: There was at least one gay one in San Diego (ca. 1992-1995). We would chat and post online, then once a month, meet at a gay bar with name tags with our handles.
IRC - fun chat site (at least into 1997 for me)
LISTSERV - this was less useful for me. signing up for ‘reading lists’ or ‘subscriptions’ to ‘butterflies’ ‘sourdough’, etc. (I honestly do not recall the groups I signed on to) when no one really seemed to be there (1992-94?) though I didn’t move with the hip crowd
really? that sucks. really? i am genuinely so disappointed, jeez
I felt like that last week at the farmer’s market. I hate it.
Loneward / Hidden in Plain Sight
Jon Brooks / Descent
Robert Rich / Cave Paintings
Claudio Barria Casanueva / Distant Beacons
Tapes and Topographies / Devolve
Tom Heasley / Solitude
Jeff Greinke / Cirrus Currents
Nimanty / Galactic Highway dronezone
I think we could all chill
My mother.
She was returning something on a slow night at Best Buy.
We did not make it past the tween greeter at the front door before she unleashed!
Mom went off. The way she was talking, you would think he, personally, did something to harm her. This kid was standing there, shrinking away, with what looked like his girlfriend standing next to him. He was a door greeter, had no control or decisive role in any way.
Of course, she called a manager.
I feel real bad for that kid but love embarrassing my mother by recounting that true tale to others.
That sounds so great. Do you know the device’s product name? Which library do you get this from? I’d like to try it out in my library.
Wow. Thank you. That was gross, but now it’s clean.
Wow, that’s great! Thanks for sharing
Does this have a name other than ‘a wave’?
Looking at this makes me think of some pictures of the surface of the sun, teeming with all the roiling, explosive energy barely contained beneath the surface, and then this, a solar flare, erupts
Talking post-Sesame Street/Mister Rogers/Electric Co. tunes
Circa 1983 on my first plane ride alone, aged about 10, from CA to GA, headphones plugged into the armrest with the ashtray inside: ‘The Tide Is High’ by Blondie was the first ‘grown-up’ song I recall that grabbed me.
Love SomaFM and have the t-shirts, magnets, stickers, etc. to prove it!
Mostly into the DroneZone as ambient while at home or at work. Listening with noise-reducing headphones makes it even better.