Can we please re-elect Wilson Tucker (the guy who accidentally won a seat with 98 votes while living in the US at the time) as an MLC? It’d be hilarious, and he’s actually pretty solid policy too.
Fairly small, if you make a circle with your thumb and pointer that’s pretty spot on.
Crystallise it and show us the structure lol
Acrylamide is a nasty neurotoxin. Look at old protein biochemists and their hands all shake from years of making SDS-PAGE gels without gloves.
Yep, I’m not a photographer by any means but I like recording all the different herps I find as best I can - cheers!
Excited to check it out, should be some nice habitat for our local frogs and birds!
Hope to see this kinda stuff all along the swan river one day.
Supports renewables, and has been campaigning for the major parties to show all their donations. Been talking about the housing crisis a lot while listening to community perspectives. Only major issue has been she back flipped on the live export ban (originally supported a ban, then went against at the 11th hour) which kinda upset both sides (and the vast majority of Curtin supports the ban).
But aside from that she’s done a really good job at coming across as a human being first and a politician second, you always see her out and about.
Kate Chaney isn’t perfect by any means but gotta be the best Curtin has seen. So refreshing to hear a politician campaign about integrity and transparency.
Snorkelling around South Cottesloe, been seeing heaps of octopi lately
All these new concrete jungle suburbs are especially bad for this, genuinely unsafe to go outside on some summer days. Would be nice to see some laws or planning guidelines about shade.
I think they can stop it from becoming endemic, it seems to have been controlled successfully a few times in the past. Unfortunately more Qfly seems to appear every few years, but that’s partially why WA is so strict about throwing produce in the bin at the airport!
When the last outbreak happened a few years ago, they had people in high vis just come onto everyone’s property and strip the fruit for them (whether they liked it or not I think)
It wouldn’t be science without some jargon :P
Basically, a new mechanism has been found - low nitrogen influences the signalling of a plant hormone to reduce the number of branches. Particularly pertinent to cereal crops and could help lower the need for nitrogen fertilisers!
Hearing this for the first time was insane. Definitely curious to see where they go from here.
If you’ve got a baby in the family, please ensure that you’ve had a booster in the last 5-10 years. It’s also really important to get the pregnancy vaccine for pertussis to protect newborns. We desperately need to get this epidemic under control.
Hope it stays open source going forward, especially given how it’s built on the back of decades of hard work in x-ray crystallography.
Referendums generally fail, people don’t like changing the constitution full stop. I know quite a few left-leaning people that voted no because they wanted the voice to he legislated but not constitutionally enshrined.
I thought a labor supermajority would be able to actually be slightly progressive without the fear of being voted out. Just goes to show how far they’ve drifted from their roots.
Astor Theatre, Perth, 2019. Was a crazy mosh, and Crumbling Castle was incredible. They ended the show on “The Bitter Boogie” which was a really flat, confusing way to end. Overall a great gig but I still find myself scratching my head at the ending song. The other times I saw them they finished with the Mind Fuzz suite and KGLW, so can’t complain!