Critical support to Biden in his effort to turn western mercenaries into mush
Do y’all remember what happened when US vets fought in Ukraine? These goons are toast against a real military.
Do y’all remember what happened when US vets fought in Ukraine? These goons are toast against a real military.
I have bits and pieces of news (ironically) but I don’t have a whole picture of their fate.
Broadly speaking, many of them went in with the tacit assumption that the propaganda was all true (Russians ‘astounded’ by paved roads, constantly deserting, poorly equipped, etc), then when they actually started fighting they realized
A. That was horseshit (obviously) and
B. What happens when they’re on the side that doesn’t have air and armor superiority
There was a big post back when it started by some
American pmc clown that posted about how his ‘barracks’ got bombed and how a ton of them were dead
I remember the chud barracks incident, but it’s hard to dig up actual links from so long ago.
search being slopping piles of manure doesn’t help.
I think this is the guy, although the account is long deleted.
he had Medic or something in his usernameHe was going by u/spindokto and made a few posts over the Reddit Brigade saga
(new and improved link; you lose all the dumbass reddit comments, but you can look at the pics he posted and his profile using waybackmachine link)
This was the 3rd or 4th post IIRC, directly after the Foreign Legion barracks got Iskander’d (or was it Kinzhal’d? I don’t remember) and he was telling people to stay the fuck away because these weren’t “a bunch of insurgents with AKs and Toyotas”
E) and for future reference, sometimes it’s easier to search here for reddit posts as they get submitted to dunktank or whatever. That’s how I got here, searching Hexbear comments for “Reddit Brigade” to find relevant thread, then look for reddit links in those threads.
E2) IIRC the next parts of his saga were admitting on reddit he and some other guys were going to disguise themselves as red cross to sneak out of the country. I don’t think anyone here ever really kept tabs on them after that. Haven’t been able to track down newer posts so far but I’m also losing interest so
The reddit volunteers that got blown up were just random idiots with no experience I believe. Whereas the ex military and mercenaries who realized they were too weak were smart enough to go back home to their comfortable lives after the first bomb dropped
A real Reddit post from 2022
I want to fight for Ukraine. I have no military background and some live firearm experience. I do have over 100 hours of airsoft milsim experience though. It’s the closest thing to actual war. I’m familiar with military lingo and protocols (not sure if applicable cause I’m fighting for a foreign country). Knowledge on how to operate a variety of weaponry. I use high-end airsoft guns which are 1:1 or almost identical to the real thing. I did many roles in the milsim from combat medic to Forward observers and operated in a two-man sniper team.
I have my own gear (cammies, plate-carrier, plates, medkit, supplies). I have money for the trip and money for basic necessities. I will not leech off the UAF I will have my own stuff except a gun and ammunition.
I know basic Russian words, but will still need assistance or translation for any complex movements or tactical battle plans.
Its so funny that some angloid (i presume) thinks his rudimentary Russian skills will be useful to a bunch of people who have intermingled with Russia for centuries.
I have no military background and some live firearm experience. I do have over 100 hours of airsoft milsim experience though. It’s the closest thing to actual war.
This is basically how Taiwan is training their civilian militias lol. The term “reddit island” now makes more sense
Taiwan isn’t doing it. It’s some private venture. Literally no one here thinks China is going to invade. Nobody starts a war for face reasons.
There were alot of those guys yeah but also US vets in various capacity trying to find themselves another war. The guy I posted below was on of them and he mentions there being other US vets there “volunteering” with him.
No air superiority and fighting a peer adversary makes being a mercenary less like a video game and more like WW1 trench fighting.
The stories from those that made it back were really hilarious. They were absolutely shocked to find out that fighting a professional army is nothing like hunting civilians in Afghanistan.
In the wise words of Joe Biden: “Joe Biden is a rabid dog, he should be beaten to death with a stick”
Critical support for Joe in his struggle against Joe
who is joe
Who is Joe? Is he the other Biden?
joe mama
Joe Biden is a rabid dog
Quick someone inform Kristi Noem that Biden is a dog
I wish all mercenaries a very
Infinite Wagners on the FOG world
Lmao I love the fact we got pop team epic emojis now
My friend, we have a
Why do we have a Guns Akimbo emoji when I am 99% sure I made that movie during a drug fueled rampage?
The four armed contractors, Scott Helvenston, Jerry Zovko, Wesley Batalona, and Mike Teague, were killed and dragged from their vehicles. Their bodies were beaten and burned, with their charred corpses then dragged through the city streets before being hanged over a bridge crossing the Euphrates River.
The ambush led to the First Battle of Fallujah, a U.S.-led operation to retake control of the city. However, the battle was halted mid-way for political reasons, an outcome which commentators have described as insurgent victory.
“W-we would’ve won if we weren’t stabbed in the back! They didn’t win, that’s the lying fake news media!”
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See the rebels funded by the pentagon would never give up so easily unlike the beta CIA
“Desecration of corpses…”
i wish those contractors a very geotagged social media post
No way there isn’t already US mercy there. I assume this means they’re looking at starting a massive slushfund for much larger numbers.
Exactly! That is who most of the so-called “volunteers” actually are. And there are certain US-supplied weapons systems that Ukrainian conscripts have zero ability to operate in the first place (like Patriots and probably even HIMARS launchers). So when Russian forces blow them up (which they do), we can be fairly certain that US (or other NATO) “contractors” are getting killed (which they are).
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Brigadier general Adam Marczak. Polish govt and media deny it vehemently, official version is that he died from unspecified natural causes in Belgium and he was barely 52 without any mentions of health problems anywhere. He just completely coincidentally suddenly died in the same day Russia did a major attack on a mercenary base.
Of course there is, this is just a way to pay for them without any middle men
And potentially offer mercs with larger, more advanced hardware that couldnt remain under the radar. Academi has been building a private airforce for example.
Academi has been building a private airforce for example.
God damn you, Hideo Kojima
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My understanding is the A-4s can be modified to Gen 4 fighter standards. But you’re probably right, my point really was that more visible mercs let’s them bring armor or bigger hardware and do more visible activities.
that’s my reading as well
If news like these come out its because everything is already settled. Fuck the imperialists
Good thing
BlackwaterXeAcademi are just military contractors. Imagine if we deployed mercenaries like Wagner.Our respectable military contractors vs their despicable mercenary band
war is a racket, after all.
Biden was the accelerationist candidate all along.
Oh boy expect a human trafficking story to come out of Ukraine in a few years.
Ukraine has been bad like that for a while, hasn’t it?
yes, before the invasion ukraine was the human trafficking capitol of europe and there is a nice big un report on it somewhere if you google around
I thought the human trafficking Capitol if Europe was where Andrew tate went
There are human trafficking stories with a lot of Ukrainian victims ever since 1991, with intensifications curiously in the years of US meddling and shock therapies.
Yesss dude, fuck yeah, send in some Americans to the meat grinder!
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That could be the point where pro US regimes start falling across Europe. We’re already in the early stages of that happening now. Boots on the ground will kick that into overdrive.
The problem is falling and being replaced with what? Seems to be few leftist alternatives and the right is all blood and soil Nazis who’ll eventually fall in line with America anyway.
The fact that European left shat the bed by aligning with bloodthirsty libs is definitely a problem going forward. However, it does look like a lot of people in Europe are starting to recognize that US cynically used them in their proxy war, and I don’t think things can ever go back to business as usual after the war ends. The economic damage is just too great.
Fighting until the last
Figured this was coming eventually. It’s already so far gone, idk what they think they’ll change now
Our Ubermensch Burger Soldiers will clear the way for the Ghost of Kyiv to finish the show
Just make sure you hide any of your relatives from them