look I don’t have enough wifi to look up electoral results and french people won’t talk to me, but some of the meals I’ve had in alpine refuges this week have been the best meals I may have ever had
I am also so wine-drunk and so exhausted from being the fastest hiker I have encountered on the TMB. These may influence my opinions
Italian food is 10x better.
Honestly in terms of everything I’d argue Italy is better than France. Prettier country, better food, better wine, more interesting history and culture. Idk why people jerk off France so much when Italy is right there, I’d travel to Italy over France any day.
I’ve never felt fear for my life like I have when driving in Italy, whereas France is only occasionally a little scary, so that’s one thing.
Saying Italy is prettier is something I would contest as well, they both have stunning sections of the Alps and rolling Mediterranean countryside, it’s not easy to tell where Italy starts and France ends without the signposts.
Italian food I think is a little nicer, but it’s a close contest and French Vs Italian wine I would say goes the other way.
It’s rough, yes, but you get used to it. The death rate by traffic accident is actually quite similar to France’s (and that also means half that of the USA - even though I just saw you’re from TERF-Island lol).
Yeah, unfortunately lol.
name 1 thing italian that comes from Italy though
Name one thing from anywhere that originally came from that place 100% with no outside influence. You’ll maybe get like three dishes from Iran and that’s maybe it.
Sounds like italian cope!
I’ll watch the history shows about ancient Roman food it all looks good as hell
Italy is the first Euro country I’m going to when I get the chance. I will walk around Napoli for days and eat until I fucking explode.
Too hot in Italy, other than that fully agree
largely correct but the bread in france is better than in italy imo. overall italy kicks france’s ass though
Death to America
This is focaccia erasure.