Do you remember locking the door and checking it this morning?
Don‘t worry guys, I‘ve already checked yours.
Well, was it locked?
No, but i locked them for you
Good thief.
Yes, but not for me (:
You little shit…
Jokes on you, I’m not leaving!
Fantastic! I hope you have a great day!
I check if other people have locked their doors as a profession. I’m a lazy cat burglar by trade, AMA
As a professional cat burglar, what was one of your most noteworthy heists?
I once went full meta and stole an actual cat. I think the owner was grateful because this cat is an arsehole.
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We pretty much never lock the house. Unless we’re inside sleeping then my wife will lock the door for some reason. And then she only locks the front door. Not the back or side.
Can you post your address please
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Is that the one with the weird shaped room at the back?
P Sherman 42 Wallaby Way, Sydney, Australia
Bold of you to assume I ever leave my house
Yeah did you unplug the hairdryer?
I don’t have a hairdryer. With 6mm hair that is not needed
I don’t have a hairdryer
…that you can remember.
It’s better to check again. Maybe in fact you forgot you have one at home!
I’m paranoid and check the locks at least 2 times by jiggling the doorknobs before leaving. I also look back at the garage door as I drive away to make sure it doesn’t open again (for whatever reason) until it’s out of my sight.
Glad to hear that, you take care!
Nice try criminal won’t single my house out that easily
yes i did
Excellent, have a lovely day!
Thank you !
I rarely touch the regular doors, I go out through the garage.
But did you lock the garage?
I just use the garage door opener, so sorta.
If I didn’t lock it, someone else will. Yep, I still live with my family.
Primary residence, the door is never locked. Even when travelling out of the country, it’s open. In a city of 3m+ people.
Other houses in less desirable countries have automatic locks. When the door closes, it locks. Garage door and front doors on internet control to open and verify status.
I have not used a physical key or worried about door locks for almost 20 years now.
Same here. I never lock my house.
Nice try, I never lock the door
It’ll be fine, I trained Jaws to return home after eating.