If President Joe Biden decides to withdraw from the election, Democrats need not fear — they have a ticket in front of them that can still defeat presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump.
Yeah OK, I respect the position that it could be a tactical mistake. But people suggesting that it might not be are not automatically Russian shills. Maybe cool the reactionary rhetoric
Your tactical mistake leads to existential problems for some of us. As a gay man, Trump and the GOP winning this election is threat to my life and the lives of my brothers and sisters. Go ahead and say I’m being alarmist but everyone said the same thing about Roe vs Wade being overturned.
you’re making a very large strawman. Suggesting that a different strategy for the Dems might be more effective is not in any way suggesting that electing Trump is a good idea.
Yeah OK, I respect the position that it could be a tactical mistake. But people suggesting that it might not be are not automatically Russian shills. Maybe cool the reactionary rhetoric
Your tactical mistake leads to existential problems for some of us. As a gay man, Trump and the GOP winning this election is threat to my life and the lives of my brothers and sisters. Go ahead and say I’m being alarmist but everyone said the same thing about Roe vs Wade being overturned.
you’re making a very large strawman. Suggesting that a different strategy for the Dems might be more effective is not in any way suggesting that electing Trump is a good idea.
You confused the statement with its converse.
“If you are X, then you’ll hop aboard the Biden replacement train”
does not imply
“If you hop aboard the Biden replacement train, then you are X”
Understand? This is a common error and is known as “affirming the consequent”. I never made the statement that you assumed I had.
You were the one who mentioned Russian shills not me