Also docked to the space station is SpaceX’s Crew Dragon capsule that ferried four astronauts to the ISS in March, and a Russian Soyuz capsule that delivered three others in September. Stich acknowledged that at least one of those vehicles could provide an alternative ride home for Wilmore and Williams.
i keep thinking about @happybadger’s (probably tongue-in-cheek) theory that 9/11 was actually 4 unrelated boeing aircraft failures and the whole “terrorist” narrative was a coverup carried out with the cooperation of the bush administration to justify the invasions of afghanistan and iraq. 9/11 wasn’t an inside job, it wasn’t even an outside job. it was corporate negligence and malfeasance, a spectacular coincidence, and naked political opportunism combined into a mass hallucination with horrifying and deadly consequences, from which we’ve collectively yet to awaken.
obviously that’s not true, of course. obviously. but when i read stories like this i do start to wonder…
that just sounds like a Coen Brother’s movie.
it’s all set in the same heavily stylized version of new york city as the hudsucker proxy
Remember when ISIS took credit for the Vegas shooting? Imagine if the US just went with the narrative and ISIS commanders become concerned because now they have no choice but to keep up the farce or else they lose face lol
There was that plane that crashed in the Far Rockaways like a month after 9/11. If the circumstances of that crash had been slightly different, veered more towards a denser neighborhood, yeah it would’ve a 9/11 of negligence.
You know the thing about conspiracies is that they often underestimate just how bad the real world actualy is.
So forget 9/11, current year American aviation is going through a severe crisis, Blancolirio posted about this recently covering the recent close calls.
So its not like its impossible to have multiple failures and a massive coverup, its just that these failures would have been happening for months before and probably after 9/11.
In the current situation though, its literally a miracle there was no major incident so far, ignoring the Boeing stuff obviously.
I found a YouTube link in your comment. Here are links to the same video on alternative frontends that protect your privacy:
That would be a plot twist on par with One Piece. If that’s the case and we, as an audience, had to learn a bunch of class consciousness for it to make sense then that’s good writing. If, then, JFK were the victim of a negligent shampoo company, then I would spend the rest of my life curating and teaching American history so it can be told in the same order I learned it.
Wait one piece has a huge twist? I’m only on episode 370 (thriller bark)
I was making a shitty little joke to myself with that one. One Piece isn’t exactly the literary gold standard for plot twists. But there is a twist that makes you go back and look at all the early stuff with a discerning eye.
I’m still in shock about the pacing in one piece. When I think of Thriller Bark, I think “oh, you’ve gotten to the newer stuff! You’re almost caught up!” Because that was my perception… IN HIGH SCHOOL
Lmao yeah only 900 episodes behind!
I’m mostly caught up to OP and I’m not sure if I follow what twist you’re talking about. Just being vague is it
related to how the Kaido fight resolved?
it is. Shanks knows something having stolen the fruit from a Marine ship right before episode 1. It makes me suspicious of Mihawk. Even Crocus and Rayleigh knew something was up the second they looked at Luffy. Even Dragon, what’s up with him? I’m a conspiracy theorist!
Gotcha, yeah all of that absolutely re-contextualized the early part of the series and raises even more questions. Also I feel so silly for just now noticing it but in certain angles Luffy’s strawhat straight up looks like a halo from medieval art depictions
I’ve got enough cultural Osmosis to be into One Piece but it’s too long, can you update me on what you two are talking about?
It’s the simplest explanation and therefore Occam’s Razor says it’s true.
exactly! the conventional narrative posits that nineteen hijackers are responsible, and the “inside job” narrative posits that the entire bush administration was in on it. the beauty of this parsimonious theory is that it only posits four failures in boeing aircraft, a highly plausible scenario to begin with.