Stormgate should be out soon. It made its rounds already with SC2 streamers, so there are a few videos of beta gameplay out there. (It appears to be a modern SC2) From what I can see, it looks good but I honestly have no idea.
July 30 is the release date on Steam.
So excited for this. A few friends and I are going through all the SC2 campaigns (3pl coop mod) and having a blast. We played a ton of SC1 back in the day. I remember playing til 3-4am some sessions.
Is there such a mod for SC1?
I will check, that would be amazing.
Did the SC1 remaster allow for more than 2 players?
I played for a bit during the beta a few months ago (before the third race was in the game) and it was quite fun but clearly very far from finished. It should be in a better state when early access starts in a couple weeks, but I’m sure there will still be many rough edges.
Oh, wow - didn’t realize we were that close. I assume that’s early access.
Early access is almost/already over? The full unlock is on the 30th, I assume. I dunno if all the streamers showing it were on pre-early release or not.
What streamers were playing were two different builds from separate betas that ran for about a month each.
I know you requested steam, but beyond all reason is legitimately good and free. Runs on all major OS’s, has a good user base and excellent development. I think
It’s also good to mention that it’s an open source game and they do indeed plan to release it on Steam later.
Tbf, I didn’t know about the steam release. But yeah it’s also open source.
Wow, how did I not know about this?
Wow Thanks! They also have a appimage for my fedora bazzite <3
Yup, that’s awesome. The first time I played it, I was using a steam deck as a daily driver while waiting for a new laptop to ship. Grabbed the app image and it just worked!
Depending on what you like about StarCraft…
The Warhammer 40k RTS games are great. Red alert is also in the same vein. I thoroughly enjoyed Halo Wars for a few hours.
If it’s the base building and creating a death ball, Age of Empires games.
If it’s just the base building, Against the Storm.
Halo Wars honestly just works imo. Both games. Like honestly on paper, everything about it sounds like it’d be a hit. And it kinda was; I feel like a lot of people ignored it because it wasn’t a mainline Halo game. I know I did for a few years until I got a chance to play it, and loved it.
You are asking about a game that is widely considered the best in a genre. Everything else will feel different if not inferior.
With that disclaimer out of the way, Battle Aces and Stormgate are worth a look. A new take on the genre and a spiritual successor made by some of the developers that made StarCraft.
Yeah, Stormgate is definitely very Starcraft like, the team’s connection to old SC shows through clearly. There are a few nice quality of life updates though in terms of hot keys for unit creation and such.
So that’s a pretty interesting question, because you’re asking for a modern RTS which doesn’t quite exist. It’s not that the RTS genre died, it’s just kind of evolved into two separate paths based on what people enjoyed from those games.
For those that liked the fast action, APM, control of units, MOBAs have mostly filled that role.
For those that liked planning out and building a huge base, there are a bunch of base/empire building games.
Command and Conquer?
Battle Aces has been pretty fun. It’s in beta now
As a person who played almost every RTS games, I can easily say there are no alternatives for StarCraft. Old Blizzard was number 1.
I don’t think any rts will match the perfection that was SC Broad Wars.
It’s like Counterstrike 1.6. It was perfect and all games expanding off of that is just making me feel nostalgic.
If only the map archives were organized properly. It would be cool of everyone uploaded their SCM and SCX and then dupeguru could run over it all.
Battle Aces has been pretty fun. It’s in beta now
Made by ec SC2 devs. David Kim etc. Has been widely adopted by the pro SC2 scene
There’s no base building, no build times for units, no build orders essentially. It’s SC2 in essence, but boiled down to the essentials.
I still enjoy a game of Planetary Annihilation every other time, might not float your boat if you’re looking for a much more classic RTS. But smashing moons to the enemy’s base has never felt so awesome.
Rimworld plays like a very very very slow rts lol.
As far as RTS in general goes (C&C Generals), I really enjoy Age of Empires IV. There is argueably more diversity as there are more civs (15ish) than there are in Star Craft. And each civ has several viable builds.
Battle Realms
Just off the top of my head for pve.
Always like supcom for multi-player problem is it slows down hard mid game.
Generals Shockwave mod is perfect but keeps dropping games.
Deserts of kharak is great but the AI is too easy once you understand the game and it had no mod support.