Why not commit and just shoot yourself in the ear? I’m surprised they don’t just walk around with an orange wig on at this point.
You mean like this?
Yes. Exactly like that…
It’s the most metal way to pierce your ear.
Funny how he didn’t need one IMMEDIATELY after the event, and went golfing without one, but suddenly needed one at the RNC circlejerk. Pathetic display.
Does anyone remember the whole Superman thing? 😂😂😂 HFS it’s this all over again. It’s all he wants.
He’s their Homelander. Only without the super powers or creepy good looks.
This season has 100% been based on Trump and they are not being shy about making it obvious.
Which is unfortunate I think. Any potential message that might resonate with trump supporters will be ignored because of that. If you make a TV show using explicit parallels like pizzagate, they can easily make that connection and ignore the overall message. It’s just like pointing out their hypocrisy in real life. They may or may not still enjoy it, but the message is lost.
Homelander was ALWAYS based on trump and it’s hilarious how people are only realizing it 4 seasons in.
Yeah, it’s like he’s a person to be emulated in an elevated fashion above themselves, just, y’know, without the morals, ethics, lack of money, everyday concerns, worries about keeping a job, whether or not they can afford healthcare, when or if the government will start regulating their bodies through oppressive laws, if they can buy a home and actually keep it, if they can afford medicine or actually be physically able to work, and if not, what happens then under Trump rule which is leaning really hard into Eugenics territory with all the “let em die” and “if they’re homeless put em in camps” rhetoric.
It’s almost like they they can’t see the aging, fat, unhealthy, bald, dye job, fake tanned, lying, self-preservastionist piece of shit he really is.
He must be magic.
If anyone still thinks maga isn’t a full-fledged cult, this proves beyond a doubt it’s entered a new level. And we know what cult members are ready to do at the drop of a (red) hat. Anything their leader tells them to. Anything.
Trump really missed a merchandising opportunity, he’s slipping in his old age.
He’s already selling assassination attempt sneakers.
And shirts too
I thought those were cheap Chinese versions.
MAXI Nazis. Just needs a little red hat graphic in the middle.
such fucking sycophants.
Hey cultists. Your fat orange idol has a tiny shroom. Go on, emulate him. You wouldn’t want him to be sad that your shroom is bigger, would you?
It’s a convention, we don’t have to mock his supporters for having some mirth. IDK what this sour author is going to say when people are having fun wearing Joe or Kamala masks at our convention, whatever that situation may be. This is what party conventions are- people wear flag suits and ridiculous hats. Let people have their fun. Christ. We don’t have to be negative about every goddamn thing. Some things are OK.