Except you know, that one thing
Or that other thing
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You need some covfefe, because you forgot the most important one:
- attempted dismantlement of the post-ww2 world order at the explicit cost of America and her western allies (broadly construed to include Japan, Australia, Korea, NZ, etc.), for the explicit benefit of Russian hegemony under Putin, with the knock-on effect of empowering most significantly our greatest geopolitical rival, China, which hopes to promulgate its fascist hellscape throughout Asia.
And how about packing the courts with right wing nutjobs? Roe vs Wade’s demise is far from the only consequence there
That happened under Biden. Sure, it’s a direct consequence of Trump’s presidency…but this sort of causal reasoning may well be too advanced for the folks parroting this inane content to comprehend.Edit: what I was trying to say (apparently unsuccessfully…) was that the kind of person who thinks nothing bad happened under Trump probably won’t acknowledge that Roe vs. Wade being overturned was a direct consequence of Trump. Which is stupid — in addition to the “acute” damage that Trump did, the ongoing damage being done from his judicial appointments is arguably the most damage that he has (and will continue to) do.
How high are you?
I’m saying that the folks saying “nothing bad happened under Trump” may be a few fries short of a happy meal.
I have seen dimwits literally try to claim Dems are responsible for Dobbs because of timing. Perhaps they are the reason why people are reacting strongly to what you wrote.
I see them blaming the Democrats for what they did. Overturn Roe vs Wade? Dems fault for the letting them do it. The mental gymnastics they do along with having the goal posts mounted to a Bugatti is amazing.
Yeah I edited comment for clarity…not sure if I just poorly worded it, if I stuck a nerve (seems unlikely?), or if sarcasm just doesn’t go over a series of tubes very gracefully 🤷
Man, you chose a poor way to word the entire comment if thats what you’re suggesting. The entire thing made it sound like you’re saying it’s Bidens fault. I can’t read your comment and come to ANY other comclusion.
You should probably edit it, and reword the entire thing. Of coarse then I’LL look insane, but thats ok. Someone will just say “username is relevant”. And probably downvote me.
But I like to think of the people who downvote me as the kind of people who jerk off onto pancakes, cry onto them for hours, and then eats cold soggy pancakes.
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For people on grad it’s a feature
It literally is. When I used argue with them about Donald intentionally destabilizing the US so China could gain influence they would drop everything and write long-ass comments praising the idea.
I guess they love the economic system of “state capitalism with generating hundreds of billionaire characteristics.” They’ll certainly excuse any amount of Uyghur genocide for it.
They decided to separate the children with full knowledge that they did not have the resources to track them. They straight up lost children. How many of those missing children were trafficked?
The absolute nerve that the Qanons were ever screeching about pedophile rings. Their guy is the pedophile ring.
…kids taken from parents and put up for adoption
Literal kidnapping and trafficking of children.
Seeing my old college professor suggest that shit was wild. I remember telling the school his ass needed a sabbatical. They later ended up paying him a large settlement after students chased him off campus with baseball bats.
With all the bullshit trump did it’s hard to keep up with it all. I must have missed this one. What was Ivermectin?
Ivermectin is an anti-parasite drug used in treating heartworm. It was one of the early conspiracy cures for covid, despite the fact viruses are notoriously different from parasitic roundworm. There was also a constrained supply of the drug used for human treatments, so the qanon types were buying the version of the treatment meant or horses.
They’d rather go through all that, rather than just wear a mask and get vaccinated???
Vaccines will make your testicles grow spikes and drop off, like chestnuts. Haven’t you heard? Apple-flavored horse paste is not only good for you, it also tastes just swell!
A horse dewormer people were taking for killing covid infections.
The police response to the BLM protests
I feel like Thomas is the most corrupt, but the others aren’t much better.
Thomas is brazenly and nakedly corrupt. Alito is more of a seditious traitor. Barrett is a theocrat. Boofer owed tens of thousands that someone paid off.
Yeah everything looks bad when you notice it
Tbf one of those things was a bipartisan effort.
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Trump is a lot like Reagan in that a lot of his policy choices are time bombs. In forty years, someone’s going to be wondering “Jesus, why is this shit so dysfunctional? Oh, it’s
ReaganTrump. Of course it’sReaganTrump, it’s alwaysReaganTrump.”Some of it will not even take that long. Like the tax breaks trump gave out that expired during Biden’s term. I see that cited a lot about why Biden bad.
Only tax breaks for regular people expired, the corporate handouts were good indefinitely.
It would take decades to undo all the damage from Trump’s tenure, some of it may even be irreversible. It’s mind-boggling that anybody who lived through four years of that could want to vote for four more years.
Nothing particularly bad happened, to them
It’s telling that the big thing the guy cared about in terms of each candidate’s impact was the NordStream pipeline sabotage.
(Not that I think Biden was behind the pipeline exploding necessarily, just that it’s an odd thing to pick out as a big impact of Biden’s term in office.)
What, you don’t remember Marx dropping that line in one of his letters to Engels?
I think he titled it, “Fuck You, Got Mine.”
Damage isn’t obvious. A lot of it is:
Declining/damaged trust from allies and such.
Financial decisions that don’t cause massive disruption but start to move things in the opposite direction from progress and toward greater wealth inequality.
General degradation of norms and values that our countries and allies rely on
Don’t get me started on national security issues with how easy it was to get in Trumps ear by sitting at mar a Lago, spending a bunch of $ at his properties, meetings where translator notes were destroyed, stolen documents…
all the intelligence assets/ways&means burned because of the document handling and other stuff
All of this together makes it a lot easier for enemies to manipulate the populace and eventually cause some large scale disruption which would be probably under the opposing party (democrats) to continue to encourage trumpism and the politics that got us there.
Lastly, if you didn’t suffer from anything negative from Trumps presidency, you’re lucky or ignorant. Chances are it’s affecting you in ways you either don’t know/understand or don’t care about. Essentially all trump did for the white working man is give them a warm fuzzy feeling inside
I was once of those federal employees impacted by the government shutdown that lasted almost two months. I illegally collected unemployment just to make sure I had for to eat. All because of a stupid fucking border wall that never even got built. I paid the unemployment back and faced no repercussions but the fact that I had to break the law because of his stupid ego is insane. I have a kid now I don’t know what I’ll do.
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Sometimes I think my memory is bad and getting worse, but hey at least I can remember an attempted coup 3.5 years ago
Yeah, I can’t remember anything bad that happened in 2020.
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Infinitely worse. It’s hard to calculate, but there were countries where they literally had single digit covid numbers during the pre vaccine days, just because they gave the situation the gravity and strictness it deserved
I have a family member who’s in the hospital right now, in a part of the country where practically no one including the hospital staff is wearing a mask. It’s hard to even find them in the hospital to put one on. There are rooms clearly marked with mask and droplet precautions on the outside of the door, and the staff will take a mask from a box next to the door, go inside to deal with that person, and then when they’re done they take their mask back off and go back to walking around treating patients with no mask. What do the people in those rooms have? I don’t know but I can confidently say the hospital is fucking up in a fashion that is actively killing some number of patients and that politics are involved in that.
I am constantly worrying whether Trump’s bullshit will wind up adding my family member, individually and personally, to that 1.5 million surplus deaths
There are rooms clearly marked with mask and droplet precautions on the outside of the door, and the staff will take a mask from a box next to the door, go inside to deal with that person, and then when they’re done they take their mask back off and go back to walking around treating patients with no mask. What do the people in those rooms have?
This is pretty standard, and maybe I can shed some light on it. You don the mask as you enter the room and take it off as you leave to avoid spreading the contaminate out of the room. The mask adds a barrier and reduces your risk of contracting whichever disease (and subsequently spreading it to other patients), and all the stuff it’s blocked stays in or at the room when you shed it. So the people seen doing that are actually playing their part in keeping whatever that person has limited to the room they’re staying in.
As for what people in those rooms have, it can be a lot of things, but it really is what it says on the tin. They have something that can spread by droplet, which ranges from the flu to stuff like whooping cough or, yes, COVID. The system to keep these things contained is pretty consistently updated and has worked well when implemented. We were all wearing masks everywhere for a time because COVID was spreading like wildfire, and concerns of people becoming contagious before showing symptoms and no way to reliably innoculate/vaccinate medical workers
Oh, sure. If they were putting on a new mask when entering those rooms, and then discarding it and replacing it with a fresh one when they exited and dealt with everyone else, that would make perfect sense.
I’m just saying that the system of “let’s use literally the most minimal precautions only with the patients that are known to be potentially deadly, and with everyone else just walk around breathing potentially literally anything on literally everyone, like a big squad of Typhoid Marys in scrubs” is potentially in need of some constructive criticism and revision.
So they are putting on a mask for the rooms that require it and then discarding once no longer necessary?
In what world is wearing a mask while walking around in a setting where there are guaranteed to be undetected COVID cases, and guaranteed to be people who will be vulnerable to exceptionally bad impacts if they catch COVID, during a COVID spike, no longer necessary?
I’m aware they are following the hospital’s guidelines. I am saying that those guidelines are killing people.
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Tell all that to my family member. Once he’s out of the hospital and not in danger of the exact procedures Trump pushed hard for giving him some kind of currently-life-threatening infection, we can rap about jurisdiction and industrial numbers.
Sure, it’s hard to be precise about the outcomes what some theoretical more competent administration might have done differently. But yes, Trump’s measures killed some number of people, and gave some number more disability that lasts to the present day. Thousands? Tens of thousands? Hundreds of thousands? Like I say, once my family isn’t actively directly being endangered by the lasting after effects of his malicious policies, we can have a calm debate about it.
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It is not an emotional argument to point out that the MAGA bullshit of people wearing masks or getting vaccines making them the enemy is purely a Trump-world invention, with aftereffects continuing to and beyond the present day. Same goes for that stuff being of a totally different and explicitly malicious kind than the simple errors that some government body might commit that was trying to address the crisis, instead of using it simply as another way to pursue its overt policy of going to war with all sensible people everywhere, in any way they could find.
And it happens that I have an example directly and personally relevant to me, but there are plenty of families all across the country who have the same. Quite a lot of them have lost family members. I know some of those families with dead members. It’s not just an anecdote.
I think I’ve spent as long as I need to on this. If you want to say that Trump didn’t kill a fuck of a lot of people, as a direct result of prioritizing his culture-war bullshit over literally saving lives (or that that killing of people more or less on purpose is not a problem), I don’t know what to say to you.
They never said that, they explicitly stated that trump made it worse, just that he wasn’t the only cause of it.
I seem to remember trump pushing vaccines, if for no other reason than that he could say he helped with their development
Western Australia had Nine Covid deaths prior to 95% population vaccination. Yes, just Nine.
Then we opened our borders and let Omicron in.
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Wouldn’t it have been easier to just Google “population Western Australia” (2.667 Million in 2020) than to dig up a misleading map that tells an incomplete picture? It’s true we are not the most populous state by any means, but you don’t need to be insulting with that level of hyperbole.
No matter how you spin it, our pre-Omicron Covid response was nothing short of incredible. While the world suffered, we pretty much nope’d out of the whole thing. I would not be surprised if WA becomes a pandemic response case study in future.
I do agree that the USA probably couldn’t pull together enough to put something like that I to action. The USA is anything but united until someone literally invades. It’s just a pity they didn’t look at the pandemic in a similar light to a foreign invader.
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No, he caused it. He may not have directly created the virus, but he is personally responsible for the disaster that tore apart the US.
He explicitly disbanded the organization directly responsible for warning about and planning for possible pandemics.
He dismissed the danger and refused to do anything at all until the pandemic was in full swing.
He politicized standard and critical pandemic procedure, crippling any effort to manage the spread and deathtoll.
He caused havoc in ppe distribution as feds competed with states and hospitals to fill a “stockpile” that strangely never seemed to distribute said stockpile.
He actively spread misinformation on treatment and preventative care, downplaying necessary medical treatment and promoting crackpot “cures”.
Even at it’s height in 2020, he was attempting to sweep it away out of sight instead of doing what needed to be done: https://www.cnn.com/2020/06/22/politics/donald-trump-testing-slow-down-response/index.html
Suffice to say, he did plenty to make the pandemic what it is. Honestly, the only thing I can give him any credit for is focusing on fast tracking the vaccine. But considering his part in fostering the pandemic we are still dealing with, he isn’t absolved of much, imo.
I swear it’s like people memory holed just how fucked Trump and the right wing’s response to covid was, and it’s a symptom of even deeper issues.
I lost quite literally 50% of my immediate family members to covid. They were conservative, and bought into all the anti mask and anti vax conspiracies, hook, line and sinker. Literally as my unvaccinated father was dying in the hospital, he would text me messages about how the vaccine was going to fry my brain or kill me, and I needed to do my own research and stop listening to the lying liberal media.
Don’t get me wrong, I had no love for conservative ideology before Trump, but I could at least have well reasoned debates and find common ground on some policies with my conservative family members. Most importantly though, we didn’t even really talk about politics that much. Now, I can’t even make a chicken salad sandwich in their presence without somehow triggering an insane rant about the woke liberal agenda.
My other side of the family isn’t even very liberal but they aren’t trump supporters, and they’re way better to interact with. The extent of our political discussions usually chalks up to “everything’s pretty fucked, wanna smoke a bowl instead of harping about it?”
“No we are definitely real communists not right wing trolls”
They aren’t even trying to hide it anymore.
But don’t you see, you literally cannot tell the difference. Muh both sides. The Repubs do a bunch of horrible shit, yes. But if you look at the Dems, well, the Repubs are also doing a lot of horrible shit while the Dems have control of no branches other than the executive. That’s the Dem’s fault. Therefore we must conclude that muh both sides.
I wouldn’t call Project 2025 “more standard American bullshit”. It’s a plan for how to turn America into a fully fascist country within one presidential term.
The US is already a fully fascist country.
Ahh, leftism-doomerism. No one quite so right wing.
“Oh, cool! I’m gonna vote for Kamala Harris then; if we’re already fascist then she can’t do any harm, and I might get some of my student loans forgiven that way.”
“Don’t you understand? You’d be voting for a fascist! And that makes YOU a fascist! You gotta vote third party bro, trust me bro, protest votes totally work bro, and Harris is gonna win anyway I guarantee it, just ignore the victory margins in 2016 and 2020”
Or better yet: “We should let Trump win to stick it to the DNC for not picking someone far enough left. Just ignore the fact that if Trump wins they’ll probably pick someone further right next election season anyway. Also I’m sure all those trans people whose lives are now in danger from Project 2025 sleep safer knowing that the blood of those Palestinians that Israel is still killing because Trump is still funneling them weapons isn’t on my hands, because I didn’t vote for genocide. I’m a great ally.”
“Plus Trump is finally gonna stick it to those fuckin Ukrainians”
Wait are they actually saying that
I haven’t seen it for a while; it was mostly a kind of joke on my part as applied to the propaganda people in the present day. But yeah it used to be super common as of a few months ago to see overlap between “Biden’s no good for Americans I’m not voting and you shouldn’t either” and “NATO needs to stop meddling in Ukraine and blocking peace, this whole war is the West’s fault” on the same account.
Fun thing if you see someone advocating for voting for a third party: Ask them who. If they say Jill Stein or Cornel West, ask whether they agree with those candidates’ opinions about NATO. My bet is that you won’t get an answer.
How is this not downvoted into oblivion - I know it’s a link to that instance, but still.