Has anyone, anywhere actually had a bucket of diarrhea tossed onto them by a homeless person?
Because the only person I know who’s dumped liquid shit on anyone is Dave Matthews’ tour bus
and dave matthews has been making penance by being a pretty decent person politics-wise apparently
Honestly, that caught me off-guard
But I welcome it
No gulag for these bastards.
these people are parodies of parodies, so far removed from reality that i’m shocked they don’t dissolve into nothingness
idk if they’re getting paid to torpedo any kind of nascent communist movement but they need to be treated like they are
They absolutely are, whether they actually know it or not. How many elements of the New Left culture, especially magazines, did we discover were infiltrated or cultivated by the government or the right over the decades because of their funding links? Now imagine instead of having to have an actual person, whose connections can be tracked, funding something like that you can just have dozens or hundreds or thousands of anonymous accounts donating cash through Patreon or whatever.
Unlimited genocide on the patriotikkk SSocialistSS
These guys are real life Kelly cartoon characters
these are professional wreckers
Stupidest shit I’ve ever seen that literally no one believes in
How the fuck can anyone think that makes any sense? Homeless = landlord? Buddy, those are on opposite sides of the spectrum. Is this some kind of property horseshoe theory?
Wait they’re not being ironic?
Sadly, these are MAGA Communists and Patsocs. Striking resemblance to another far-right distortion and coopting of leftism…
Stupid Stuff Sayers play a necessary role in driving social media addiction. Just ignore them. It’s not like they believe their words.
Don’t remind me of Haz ugh
Should ban haz posting the same way vaush posting was banned in the old sub
far-right rich NIMBY assholes are actually the vanguard of the revolution against the bourgeois homeless and you guys haven’t read enough theory to understand that.
I aspire to be a homeless vagrant
Billionaires aren’t capitalism’s true masters, that was only a clever ploy by the homeless
Like they say, it’s always who you least suspect…