More on the bunker from Times of Israel:

Some zionist reporting they moved meetings into the bunker

The story about the bunker dropped last night, but now sources are saying Bibi has moved into the bunker. Trying to find more “valid” sources, but they only report things on after they are completely sure they’re true - Unless of course it’s a story about the DPRK, China, Hamas, leftist protesters, Jeremy Corbyn or the designated villain of the week. Otherwise they’re very good at fact-checking, as long as the facts agree with their opinions.

  • CommCat [none/use name]
    7 months ago

    War with Iran, the US presidential race will be more unbearable. You also have anti-Muslim riots in the UK, was this all deliberate to whip up the masses for an inevitable war with Iran? I see ultra Zionist Tommy Robinson appearing all over social media again…