JD would like to know your location
Please tag your content appropriately: NSFJDV
Now it’s wood.
JD is that you
Sexy bat cosplay owls.
You like my hooters eh?
I’m very clearly out of the loop here, so can someone please explain?
There is a rumour going around that JD Vance fucked a glove stuffed in a couch.
I love how it’s been days since that rumor has been debunked and yet people still bring it up like it has any factual value. I want to hear the actual bad things JD Vance did, and not a imagined reality.
No one claims it’s true. It’s always just been a joke.
Just to be clear: I don’t claim this to be true.
Is it weird that I want to fuck that couch?
A minority would assure you that is not weird.
Why are the owls upside down?
I bet you could have some comfy sex on that couch
On? Or… with
Oh JD ya lil rascal
Better crosspost to c/couchporn
americana psycho Bateman kisses yadda yadda