Freedom of speech is just that, free from government interference(look it up). You are referring to censorship.
No thoughts
Freedom of speech is just that, free from government interference(look it up). You are referring to censorship.
I totally agree. Still nothing to do with freedom of speech itself. The 1st amendment.
Not supporting this but freedom of speech is freedom from prosecution. If you are flipping burgers and tell a customer your favorite category of adult film, your getting fired.
Veeeeery large text adventure game.
Should be called the Gulf of Water
Ok, so you are for government regulation and opposed to startes rights and for social justice. Which means you are opposed to current republican party platforms. Sorry didn’t realize you were a current liberal Democrat.
So which is it? Your the party of Lincoln or your the party that celebrates confederate “heritage”? Can’t be both.
A day of breathing at 5 cents per breath is worth about 4000 steps a day at 25 cents per step.
It takes Russia weeks/months to take a tiny village at the cost of thousands of soldiers. They can’t attack NATO.
I mean they can… but it would go as expected.
Republicans literally have a billionaire as their emperor with a the richest man in the world as his advisor. Dems are playing recess tag football vs a Republicans varsety 5A when it comes to supporting corporations.
Read what he wrote. He said Dems used to be for the little guy and the Republicans were for big business but now the tables have turned…
So now the Republicans, party of billionaires, is for the little guy and Dems are for big business?
Controversial no doubt.
I’d settle for Earthanadexico
Global average temperature sets a new record high about every year. It’s definitely warming which causes all sorts of strange aftereffects like extreme weather changes both hot and cold in localized areas.
It’s definitely the other way around
Star Flight
Fairy Tale Adventure
Both from the 80s
Which wikipedia article? Check the references of that article. That’s your answer.
Weird how you can just look at the source and references in a wikipedia article to do your own research while articles like this are just “trust me bro it’s all a conspiracy”
Rocket League 4,485 hours
I do agree though some jobs like a meteorologist means you are on tv and affect the reputation of your business. You can’t have actors on your TV show expressing opinions on social media that affect your bottom line. It’s bad for business which means you can be fired. All about money sadly. That’s censorship though, not freedom of speech unless your country has a different definition of the phrase than the U.S.