Meme, photo of something, whatever! Bonus points if you’re brave enough to share it.
Scan of a print photograph from, I want to say 1985? 1986? Something like that. My grandparents cat losing her damn mind because a fly got in the house.
lol mine is also a cat! Its of my 14 year old Kaya when she was 4 or 5 months old.
I love it!!
I love this lmao, that’s such a good picture
A classic, thats fantastic
me skiing in Russia in the early 90s just after the dissolution of the Soviet Union
I tend to keep my phone’s photo reel fairly empty to stay under Apple’s free limit for backups.
But this photo has been with me for a few years:
It is a photo of Arlanda airport, the busiest airport in Sweden, taken at about 08:00 on a workday during the early stages of the pandemic.
I had to go on a domestic trip to set up a computer for a VIP at an external location, and had to fly.
It was such a bizzare experience that I had to take a few photos…
February 2011.
My now-deceased cat.
Wtf is that
the oldest pic on my phone. I cleared it off about a month ago, take it or leave it.
That’s Batman
Sleep Paralysis Demon
The top of their head is perfectly round. It’s really unsettling lol.
A screenshot I took for whatever reason in 2006, it’s quite a relic.
I wish websites were still laid out like this
So much nostalgia in that screenshot
Wow. I love it.
Avast antivirus spinning icon 😀 Ah memories!
This is on my phone. I will post again tomorrow from my computer.
That’s where I’d post the cool old photo from my phone…
Oldest thing saved to my phone; is from 2021. My cloud storage, OTOH, can go all the way back to 2008.
Adorable 💜
Very normal. Nothing suspicious going on over here.
Moisturize me
Impromptu memorial on Las Vegas Blvd less than a week after the shooting in 2017. I was attending a conference that week, which they chose not to reschedule, because ‘we can’t let terrorism win!’
It was an eerie feeling being there so soon after.
I changed my phone maybe 3 years ago so this is the oldest photo stored on it.
A picture that I send to my significant other when I’m going back home and missed the bus or tramway. It happens way to often to my taste.