Umbrella academy…
Or how to never effectively communicate anything for any reason
Right? It was entertaining though. Did you like the ending?
Season 3 Ending was ok, if a little rushed
Season 4 Ending - Felt really random and disconnected from everything built before.
If Reginald had the magic universe creation engine and time fixing machine, why didn’t he fix his home planet and live there, why come to earth for a confused Season 4 Empire.
spoilers ahead
It felt rushed to me and honestly didn’t understand who had white hair and was running around. I thought maybe everyone was in heaven?! I had to go look at an article explaining the end before I realized what happened.
Mid90s, Ip Man and Dark
We’re watching Stargate SG-1. Still great.
I love that show so much. I rewatch it all the time
Oooh, where are you up to?
Mid way through season 2. We’ve just had the one where Teal’c is turning into a bug.
Gave Shawn of the Dead and Zoolander a go this week. Both are still enjoyable.
Dersu Urzala from Akira Kurosawa. Great movie about friendship and “civilization” vs life in nature. It was slower and more contemplative
Trap from Night Shyamalan. I had a lot of fun but the movie is average and you will be disappointed if you expect it to be realistic
Watched Didi. It was pretty good. Also, starting off Star Trek Voyager
(JoJo’s Bizarre Adventures Stardust Crusaders rewatch)
The Serpent Queen! I’m not into period stuff very much but this is delightful and surprisingly comical.
After Stormgate, which I was looking forward to, came out to be kind of meh, I reinstalled Starcraft and catched up on recent Florencio Files. I like PiG’s casting, and Florencio’s games are so entertaining to watch, how off-meta and nonsensocal they are, while also miracolously working. IIRC he plays in GM league, while his mechanics and gameplay is so weird but still somehow works. It’s fun.
My favourite has been this game, the sneaky probe is such a genius move -
I watched Akira. Hooooooooly cow, that was an insane trip. I had no idea it went that far out and had so much permanent impact on many industries, rightfully so!!
I watched the first episode of The Caped Crusader. The latest Batman animated show from Bruce Timm: the guy behind the original Batman: The Animated Series and Justice League.
Only one episode so far, so who knows how it’ll turn out, but that was a fantastic opener. It’s got a very noir tone and is exactly what I want to see from a Batman show. Kinda dark, but not in the moody “gritty realism” that made the DC live action movies so terrible.
It’s got that classic low-level Batman beginning where he’s going against mobsters and corrupt politicians & police, and people are doubting if he’s even real. The big bad of this episode is a gender swapped Penguin, with guest appearances from a very corrupt Harvey Bullock and a pre–Two Face Harvey Dent.
It’s not in the DCAU, but it has the same stylish moody tone as some of the best episodes of BTAS like Heart of Ice.
I watched Furiosa since I missed it while in theaters