dying civilization o’clock who up

love how people got so mad about being asked to wear a mask that public health just stopped existing

  • HexcraftDirtFarmer@hexbear.net
    7 months ago

    Only reason I finished highschool is one teacher spoke to all my others because he knew I was falling asleep in class or just not showing up because I was working full time and doing community service to stay out of jail. In a just society children don’t work to put food on the table, they may or may not get community service as a reform attempt, but not while working and being in school, during the summer holiday or something for heaven’s sake. He was so proud when I showed him my SAT/ACT results. Glad he never found out I got kicked out of my first college for being an insurance risk and never did anything with the second go around. Don’t major in English or History folks.

    Anyway, we do not live in a just society, so thank fuck for people who chose to simply ignore the rules.