scenario: you know a chud at your workplace. he shows you a ‘funny’ meme on his phone and you peep his twitter handle. it’s LoliHitler88. you hate this guy so much. can you put his real name and face on a billboard next to his greatest twitter hits if you don’t call him any names on it. is that considered harassment or free promotion. this is a hypothetical
“we’re not going to print this because it’s petty and potentially libellous and childish”
“Ugh you’re so woke”
No Im based and this hypothetical billboard company is cringe and PC.
I’m so mad at this company rn
You have said the actual truth
have you ever been to the Saar Chasm? it’s one of the most amazing parts of the Grand Canyon
I googled it
Me too
doesn’t help i thinkpronounce the ch sound errytime
”I get jokes.”