A Brazilian Supreme Court justice on Friday ordered the suspension of Elon Musk's social media giant X in Brazil after the tech billionaire refused to name a legal representative in the country, according to a copy of the decision seen by The Associated Press.
Fair correction, Palantir is only used by villains, it isn’t evil in and of itself. However I’m pretty sure Thiel also had something called The Eye of Sauron - maybe a product made by Palantir.
Werent the palantir corruption artifacts from a the golden age or something? I have only played some of the old games and watched the movies. Also the middle eartb games which are still pretty fucken solid.
If I remember correctly they were gifts from the elves to the numenoreans. The Palantiri are in no way evil.
It’s just that in the Lord of the Rings Sauron also had one and was on the other end.
Just like phones aren’t evil but the person you’re talking too might be.
The palantiri (plural) were made by the elves during the First Age when they lived with the Valar (gods), so yes they were made during a golden age long ago. They were gifted to men of Numenor who remained loyal to the Valar and Iluvatar (The God) and kept friendship with the elves. This was during a time (Second Age) in which the rulers of Numenor had broken faith with the elves and were generally being assholes. The elves gave the palantiri to the “Faithful” of Numenor so they could still communicate with each other despite the opressive politics on the island. Elendil, fore-father of Aragorn, took them (and a fruit that grew into the White Tree of Gondor) when he fled Numenor for Middle Earth. (Elendil’s son, Isildur, is the one that cut the ring from Sauron’s hand.)
But the palantiri were not corruption artifacts. They are seeing stones. The “corruption” you see in the movies is not inherent in the stones. It is simply that Sauron has a stone also, and you really don’t want him to get inside your head.