Don’t forget about Japan. They’re also an epicenter of extraterrestrial activity and supernatural disaster
More like all tokusatsu as a genre.
That is also how americans see America. So that means all americans are aliens?
I’m sorry, but that’s clearly marked legend, so maybe we don’t propagate the idea of mythical lands?
That’s fair given that the movies in question are also American.
It’s not just movies, also “real” aliens really like to crash land there and probe mainly americans.
Well it makes sense, the modern form of aliens is from American mythology. It’s like complaining that all the spottings of the Loch Ness monster are around Loch Ness
I wouldn’t call it fair but this is actually how Americans see the world, not aliens.
It’s the reason why superbowl champions are called “world champions” even though only Americans competed…
That’s generally Reddit too. Everything is /r/usdefaultism
Anyone notice that when they visit a webpage predominantly used by Americans that is marketed towards Americans that it feels very American?
I’ve had Americans argue with me saying that what I was talking about doesn’t happen in America and that I don’t know what I’m talking about, when I made it abundantly clear that what I was talking about was irrelevant to the US as a whole.
Like talking European politics in a Starbucks in Ohio you’re going to run into that, it’s because of where you are and your surroundings.
Tbf, Europeans often do the same to us (or at least they did on Reddit) when we try to talk about how dystopian late-stage-capitalism has become in the US. So many Europeans can’t wrap their minds around: being fired for calling out sick, women being forced to return to work a week after giving birth because we don’t have paid parental leave, people going bankrupt for using an ambulance, companies firing people with zero warning,reason or severance, millions of Americans not having access to healthcare, having huge areas in your city too dangerous to walk through because you would have to sprint across 40m of concrete with cars speeding around you at 70kmph just to cross the road, our traffic fatality rate being 10x higher than most European countries, not having any functional public transit in most US towns and cities, etc…
of course we can’t wrap our minds around it, America is insane in every aspect
Also lemmy
There’s a little German peppered in.
It’s better on Lemmy but definitely still there.
Bollywood needs to make more SciFi
What I really hate is when I want to buy something from a website that was linked from a US Youtuber and the only place that hints that they only ship to the US is that you can only select US states in the checkout.
Happened to me multiple times, its not that hard to list the places you ship to in your FAQ.
Yeah it’s pretty crazy how that American website is so full of Americans and that they have a mostly American-centric point of view.
Anyone ever notice that so many of the comments on Weibo talk about China so much?
Reddit is what 40% American?
I don’t know but it’s going to be the largest demographic by far, always has been
Largest or not, there is a less than 50 percent chance the person you are talking to is American, so making the assumption is ridiculous.
It’s a very safe assumption depending on the time of day
Okay but it’s the exact same on Lemmy, even though the devs and the biggest instances aren’t from the US
Wait, if you look really closely at that globe, you’ll find New Zealand is missing
Again? ;)
I never heard of that nation before.
Not my fault the euros don’t know what a culture victory looks like.
We won that one so many times we stopped playing for it.
There’s also China, i.e. the Great Wall and some high-tech megacities, because the studios want a chance at that billion-viewer market.
Maybe the bad guys will also blow up Big Ben or the Eiffel Tower if the Europeans are lucky.
Some pyramids too. I forget where. Not important.
Star Gate
Transformers, I forget which one. I don’t know where that pyramid could be, but it’s starring an American teenager, American Special Ops, and an American navy ship. I think there’s also American AirForce.
That’s one of the best aspects of District 9. Johannesburg. Right out of left field.
There’s a reason they chose Johannesburg, the movie is an allegory for apartheid.
Might have been Gaza if made today.
I see this criticism a lot and I just wonder how many films from outside the US people have seen because this kind of thing happens in pretty much every country that makes films. The film will usually take place in and feature heroes from the country that made it. Like most Godzilla movies take place in Japan and the day is saved by Japanese people (or Godzilla himself depending on the movie).
It’s true for a lot of these minor complaints about America. Of course there are valid complaints about the US, but some of them are very petty and not a real representation.
“American food quality is bad” because you go to fancy restaurants on vacation, and/or when visiting the US don’t know where to find quality food because it’s in different places.
“but quality food is cheap” yeah when you have to pay half as much or less for labor it can be
“people are less fat because the food is healthier” no, people are less fat because they are addicted to cigarettes instead of soda. also walk more.
“america has no culture” … this should be obvious
“Americans are so loud” this very much depends on the country you’re comparing too, but at least where I’ve lived Germans, Dutch, and locals(Czechs) are the loudest
Godzilla is a japanese monster, not an alien that that looks for somewhere to land.
And movies about aliens made by Americans are probably gonna have the aliens landing in America, because shocker, Americans know America better than other places
But the aliens in Godzilla movies land in Japan before Godzilla shows up.
They occasionally land in the U.K.
…but only in the original books, and when the moviemakers didn’t dare to
changecorrect that.And dr.who my guy
Attack the Block is a goddamn masterpiece.
(Aliens try to invade earth, land in a South London ghetto, are fought off by its residents. Starring John Boyega)I can’t remember if I’ve seen that because I always think of The World’s End when it is brought up.
That was my first thought.
Yes, but they got that one guy with a police box
And he takes exception to all the others that come so they tend to stay away.
What are you talking about? The Master is extremely friendly and welcoming.
that’s on the other side of the globe you can’t see it
Torchwood and Primeval are two of the best
That map is wrong. You have stuff in the void between Las Vegas and Chicago.
Ah, I see you are a developer of The Crew
They need a placeholder for New York that is actually just a portion of Vancouver where they do their battles, chases, investigations and conversations.
District 9 literally calls this out in the first five minutes.
They painted over Maine! Those bastard’s
Based on what, watching Men In Black, but not the whole series?
“Heroes” the TV show was legit pretty good about stretching outside the three largest American cities.
Also “Independence Day” at least flirted with the idea of a global invasion, even if all the action took place in DC and Nevada.
Otherwise… yeah.
Edge of Tomorrow completely tossed most of this habit to the side and at worst didn’t suffer for it, but imo was incredible because of it. One can only see The Statue of Liberty, the Golden Gate Bridge, NYC, etc so many times before it gets old. The Louvre? Flooded and full of aliens? That was new.