All they do is ask for donations. They don’t try to tell you what great policy they have, they just expect me to fork over cash. I hate how little American elections care about policy. I hate how the dems feel like they are owed my vote.


    • Nakoichi [they/them]@hexbear.netM
      7 months ago

      Obvious liberal bullshit aside, I will give you an honest answer, neither but if Harris is elected shit gets worse, libs go back to sleep and forget they just voted for more bombs to send to a military that is engaging in genocide. If Trump gets elected (and for the vast majority of us communists who make up like 1% of the population and even less in swing states) it doesn’t matter if we vote for them anyway and all they are doing is begging for money while promising things only get worse albeit (maybe and this is a GENEROUS maybe) slightly slower.

      If Trump is elected maybe more libs actually get out in the streets and join our protests and understand the need for a vast swathe of necessary actions to fight fascism that have nothing to do with voting.

      So the answer is neither but the more she goes mask off the more I feel like the policies that every US president in my 4 decades on this planet have supported and escalated will receive pushback so I’m gonna say it’s an even split that even slightly leans toward Trump if I am feeling misanthropic at the moment.

      Furthermore what if anything does your glib comment do for the person who is rightfully venting about the hollow nature of all their ads begging for money we all know they don’t even need. They literally just published a list of 88 (hypersus ) billionaires and CEOs endorsing her campaign.

      Let them foot the bill for fuck sake. If you believe that you will be met with anything but hostility coming in here with comments that amount to BUT WHATABOUT ORANGE MAN you are gravely mistaken, though I did remove that comment saying you should commit self harm because that is equally unhelpful and explicitly against the rules of this site and that user will be dealt with.

        • Nakoichi [they/them]@hexbear.netM
          7 months ago

          “Do you want evil with a thumb head or evil with perfect car salesman teeth?” I’m just not voting this year.

          I voted for Obama because I was an idiot kid that thought he might be serious about prosecuting the guy that tear gassed my friends and I for protesting the Iraq war and that betrayal was the day all my hope in “harm reduction” died a necessary death. I don’t even remember if I voted at all in 2016, I think I was almost convinced to vote against Trump just because of how cartoonishly evil his platform was but if I did it was not enthusiastically.

          There is no use in voting in US elections often even at the local level. I helped elect two DSA candidates to my local city council and they both got recalled because real estate ghouls in California spent more dollars than there are people in my city on a successful recall campaign because they didn’t want to throw unhoused people into a wood chipper.

          Fuck this country and fuck anyone that demands I vote for anyone in either of these parties we are told are our only options. I am voting for PSL just as a fuck you to all the liberals that try to brow beat me into voting for one or the other genocidal candidate.

    • REgon [they/them]
      7 months ago

      If you vote for the democrats while they are actively aiding the execution of a genocide, then you are making it very clear that genocide is normal, cool and good. Doing that will make things a thousand times worse than having the villain of the week win another pointless election.

      Also this talking point was trotted out for McCain, Romney, Bush, Dole, Bush, Ford, Reagan, Nixon and probably Barry Goldwater as well. Voting for “the lesser evil” has done nothing but make it greater

      • Owl [he/him]
        7 months ago

        Jesus fucking christ, give people a bit more time to make an ass of themselves before jumping to that.